Windows Central Photos Contest: Weather

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It was a rainy day, so I decided to photograph some leaves with water drops. Then, this photo came out!

Lumia 630 Dual SIM
Edited in GIMP and Adobe PS Express
On the way back from a friend, I saw thunderstorms forming in the distance. I parked the car on a dirt road and watched the show. With a long exposure set, this photo became pretty cool.

Shot on Lumia 930
Brightness and contrast adjusted in Adobe Photoshop CC 2015


Captured on my Lumia 1520..
Few Touch-ups in Lightroom..
View From my Balcony.. I just enjoy the rains of India....
Great Joy capturing Water whichever it maybe...
Hi! This one was taken one evening after a rainstorm in Buenos Aires. The sky was starting to clear on the horizon so the sun setting down lit the clouds from below.
The picture was taken with a Lumia 535 (nothing to brag about :wink:) and had minor editing with Fhotoroom, only contrast control to stand out the darkness of the surrounding buildings against the orange palette of the clouds hit by the sunset.
Summery blue sky in Cape Town during a serious drought. Hasn't rained for weeks. Lumia 830 without any editing.
Taken on Lumia Icon, touch-ups and adjustments made with Adobe Photoshop Express and

This is a photo of some mammatus clouds (to my knowledge, they're not very common) right before a thunderstorm.

AdobePhotoshopExpress_36f69e6214e24dd5ab3f61cfc178f535 (2).jpg

Winter in my town. Captured with Lumia 1520 Rich capture. Walked around the canal one winter day and had to capture this moment in time.

Time to repent.
View from my rooftop just before a heavy rain, taken with a 1520.
Few touch-ups and textures in Photoshop.
I took this photo with my Nokia Lumia 930 in Larnaca Cyprus (my town).
I was out for coffee with some friends and we were walking on the beach at some point and the whole scene was really breathtaking so I just pulled out my phone and captured this photo.
I used Adobe Photoshop Express on my phone to edit the photo a bit :wink:
My instagram ID is is totis333


What could describe "rainy weather" in a better way? :-) Taken from my car with a Lumia 830 and then processed with the Adobe Photoshop Express app.

See it full screen for some really nice details!
Picture taking with my 925, my wife took it while I was driving in Aurora, CO a couple of days ago... Running W10M insider

Photo Location: Near Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
Date: Fall 2015
Hardware: Yellow Lumia 1020 - Reverted back to 8.1 due to 10 not fully utilizing the camera :)

Backstory: This is at my acreage, I was on the Tin roof of my house doing some work with my father and we could see the storm way off in the distance. As I was working this thunderstorm front rolled in very quickly. As I took the picture I was telling my father that I was stopping work for now and coming down. His response? "Nah! You'll be fine, it's not going to rain yet!" ... I disregarded that, took the picture (I always have my 1020 on me just in case!), and came down the ladder. As I descended the ladder a few rain drops started and by the time I reached the ground it was full "can't see the end of the driveway" downpour and hail! Followed shortly by one heck of a thunderstorm, which our area of western Canada is well known for. Glad I didn't stay on the roof to "be fine"! Enjoy :)


No software or other touch-up were done to this picture, just the raw high res photo from the 1020. The forum for obvious reasons required me to reduce resolution as to not make you all load a 8.0 MB picture :P Original full high res image is here on my Flickr as "Driving Shift".

Used a Nokia Lumia 1020 to take the picture and used photoshop to touch up the levels a bit, I originally had a much more saturated punchy picture which looked great but was a little too far from the true picture, but it really looks like the sky's burning.
As for how the picture came to be I was just making the commute to work and looking up from my semi awake state I thought "Whoa, that's neat!" and quickly snapped this pic (well not that quickly because I was using a Nokia 1020) and then carried on walking.
Sun never rises, taken with Lumia 950 at Lofoten, northern Norway on January 2nd, at 1:46PM. Edited with Windows 10 Photos
WP_20160102_13_12_46_Pro_LI (2).jpg
Picture took using a Lumia 920 while walking afternoon in a parc i Lodz (Poland)
No filter/app used, just the default camera.
WP_20160116_13_00_23_Pro [6657].jpg

Taken on a flight from Guernsey to Stansted last summer this photo snapped with my Lumia 830 shows the Needles making clouds for the Isle of Wight.

Mild touch up of saturation and sharpness using Adobe Photoshop Elements.

Edit: Came across this in Wikipedia.

"Orographic lift occurs when an air mass is forced from a low elevation to a higher elevation as it moves over rising terrain. As the air mass gains altitude it quickly cools down adiabatically, which can raise the relative humidity to 100% and create clouds and, under the right conditions, precipitation."

I wonder if this is a case of Orograhic Lift?!?
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