It has not been
officially available, in a production version. Developing for a beta quality platform is very different from developing for a production system. Developing software is hard enough, even more so when each new firmware version breaks code that you thought you'd finished.
Equally, supporting end users who may have a variety of different beta versions, none of which will be produced and tested by the manufacturers for the devices they're now running on, and many will have been butchered by god-knows-who, has several problems. One: it's an expensive nightmare. Two: it's useless from a QA point of view, since none of your testers are running release platforms. You spend a fortune chasing phantom bugs (bugs that only occur on one particular butchered firmware). Three: unfortunately, some people are unwise enough to install a beta operating system on a device they actually need, and these people become fractious when it all breaks, and they demand instant resolutions.
I'm sure Celio will have devices with 6.5, and they may well already have beta versions (testing in a closed group of we are not part). Or it may still be alpha. If they don't realize the need for 6.5 support, then they deserve to be out of jobs. They certainly haven't given the impression of being so slack.
For me... lack of BlackBerry support on the C8 is not distressing. First, because I have no intention of buying a BB. Second, I bought the C8 with the understanding that it worked with Windows Mobile, and under no impression that it would work on anything else. Though, I did assume it would work on future WinMo releases...
Well, it's now released. I do think that Celio should have some kind of ETA for us pretty soon.