I currently use both a Touch Pro and an iPhone 3Gs and choose which I'll carry at anytine because Google Voice rings both phones, sends SMS to both and let's me access voicemail from both.. And there are things in both I really enjoy about each.
I think Microsoft will continue to make mobile operating systems well into the future. MSFT is just starting to get traction on its three screen strategy: PC, TV, smartphone.
MSFT hasn't started to fully leverage the synergies between products. But that can't be too far off. So here are my guesses about the future of WinMo.
1. Complete integration with Zune Marketplace. Zunepass or iTunes model? AAPL will have to build a Zunepass competitor.
2. Voice enablement. Voice Command has been great. It's truly something MSFT has led. GOOG and AAPL have been playing catch up. The TellMe features will take it to the next level.
3. Continued choice. There will continue to be multiple form factors, including non-touchscreen. But the user experience will become more unified.
4. Integration with Xbox. Not only will you be able to get reminders for Xbox events, voice and text chat with folks on Xbox, and view the presence and status of friends, but there will be cross over casual apps like Peggle and Geometry Wars, with cross platform competitive and co-operative modes. Code just for iPhone or WinMo & Xbox Live Arcade platforms with the same code?
5. Integration with Windows Media Center. The phone will not only allow us to record a TV show, even when we aren't home, even better it will serve as the Smart Remote Control when other members of the family are watching TV we can record, browse recordings or browse listings to set what will be played next.
6. Integration with Live. Take a picture and it shows up on Grandma's photoframe. All texts, e-mails, and voice notes will sync with the Microsoft cloud. Mesh, MyPhone, and the existing Live services will be brought together.
7. Accelerated corporate features. Google Voice will change voice communication. Microsoft has a competitive offering in Live Communication Server. WinMo will integrate with this very deeply allowing landline to mobile call transfers, transcribed voicemail, and enhanced presence information.
WinMo dead? Not a chance.
I think Microsoft will continue to make mobile operating systems well into the future. MSFT is just starting to get traction on its three screen strategy: PC, TV, smartphone.
MSFT hasn't started to fully leverage the synergies between products. But that can't be too far off. So here are my guesses about the future of WinMo.
1. Complete integration with Zune Marketplace. Zunepass or iTunes model? AAPL will have to build a Zunepass competitor.
2. Voice enablement. Voice Command has been great. It's truly something MSFT has led. GOOG and AAPL have been playing catch up. The TellMe features will take it to the next level.
3. Continued choice. There will continue to be multiple form factors, including non-touchscreen. But the user experience will become more unified.
4. Integration with Xbox. Not only will you be able to get reminders for Xbox events, voice and text chat with folks on Xbox, and view the presence and status of friends, but there will be cross over casual apps like Peggle and Geometry Wars, with cross platform competitive and co-operative modes. Code just for iPhone or WinMo & Xbox Live Arcade platforms with the same code?
5. Integration with Windows Media Center. The phone will not only allow us to record a TV show, even when we aren't home, even better it will serve as the Smart Remote Control when other members of the family are watching TV we can record, browse recordings or browse listings to set what will be played next.
6. Integration with Live. Take a picture and it shows up on Grandma's photoframe. All texts, e-mails, and voice notes will sync with the Microsoft cloud. Mesh, MyPhone, and the existing Live services will be brought together.
7. Accelerated corporate features. Google Voice will change voice communication. Microsoft has a competitive offering in Live Communication Server. WinMo will integrate with this very deeply allowing landline to mobile call transfers, transcribed voicemail, and enhanced presence information.
WinMo dead? Not a chance.