Windows Phone 8.1 - Laggiest phone OS of 2014.

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Plenty of lag on my 1520 on att with official cyan update and sometimes still have that screen reload issues and as I've mentioned on this site before my camera shakes bad and all of my pics come out horrible all since 8.1 and yes I've done plenty of hard resets so yeah there's still plenty of lag and usually run a soft reset once a week !
do a hard reset at dont restore. Start from fresh.
Well i was on 8.1 DP until yesterday and yes i had some resuming in some apps, yesterday i just downgrade to 8.0 and install 8.1 with cyan and i'm very very happy!!! WOOOWW... what a diference. my 925 is now very fast and clean. i'm glad i did the downgrade it's much better now.
Yes. The DP is just a ' preview' like you're saying, but still the conditions of Xbox games, music, and video are terrible on All the phones, ie, on the phones such as 630, 930 running cyan update itself.

So to sum it up.- OS problem, firmware fault, app problem, Microsoft's fault.
The end.

Mate the app iis terrible not OS
Xbox games, Xbox music, Xbox video are not in control of the OS....hence they are called apps and not features of the OS
Heh, I'm ashamed at myself for looking in this thread expecting some legitimate, objective observations. So many people are blinded by their love of WP that they can't see the OP is right. Take the same specs of the 1520 and put them on Android- no contest KitKat on the Nexus 5 is faster at almost everything and has much less stuttering with basic things like music. RAM management is also way better on Android (8.0 was really good at this too). iPhone 5s outpaces any WP device period.

Some people are just blinded. To all potential haters: newsflash, I like Windows Phone too. I'm just not so stuck up about it that I feel the need to bash people making perfectly reasonable observations with immature phrases like "quit smoking crack", etc. It's you guys that are holding the OS back. You keep saying it's fine, so Microsoft thinks it's fine to keep adding features without optimizing them. You think it's fine that literally almost everything on 8.0 is slightly faster than 8.1. From Office, to IE, to searching (don't even get me started on Cortana lag), so many things are quicker and more responsive on 8.0. Thing is, I still prefer 8.1 and the new features it brings, but I'm not blind to the compromises Microsoft has made on the performance end. You all shouldn't be either.
android 4.2 > 4.2.1 > 4.2.2
Guess which one runs perfectly, yes 4.2.2 because that is optimised. Same as in the dp 8.1 preview. It will always be a preview until you get the 8.1 firmware or Cyan if you have a nokia. If you have lag, do a clean install by doing a hard reset and not restoring data. If you still have lag, you probably have the preview. In that case wait for cyan. Remember, the 8.1 PREVIEW is laggy not the official 8.1 update.

Have Faith in WP
Yes. The DP is just a ' preview' like you're saying, but still the conditions of Xbox games, music, and video are terrible on All the phones, ie, on the phones such as 630, 930 running cyan update itself.

So to sum it up.- OS problem, firmware fault, app problem, Microsoft's fault.
The end.

And Xbox Music and Video was available since 12 Dec 2013
I've always considered 8.1 to be a step backwards in terms of general usability of the core OS features.

Coming from a long time Windows Phone 7 user (Started with the amazing HTC HD7), Windows Phone has always been known to offer a smooth and fast performance with elegant integrations. Everything loads up instantly.

Now with 8.1, we see splash screens all the time (Calendar, Music, Video, Games) Even with the built-in Xbox Music app, scrolling stutters, animation lags, and the iconic live tiles are gone too.

The Games hub and Me tile used to be functional and very useful. In fact, it was one of the core OS features that WP users brag about to our Android and iOS friends. Our games are not cluttered in the app list like Android. We have an elegant Pictures hub with panorama background images, and 8.1 have reduced it to a plain, amateur-ish photo app.

I wouldn't say I hate 8.1. It's more of a disappointment to me.

Cortana is pretty much a gimmick.

Notification center is actually useful if I can turn off Wi-Fi without being directed to the settings screen, and if it has the option to turn off data too.

3 columns of live tiles and background picture is nice.

And having a file manager is awesome too.
I've always considered 8.1 to be a step backwards in terms of general usability of the core OS features.

Coming from a long time Windows Phone 7 user (Started with the amazing HTC HD7), Windows Phone has always been known to offer a smooth and fast performance with elegant integrations. Everything loads up instantly.

Now with 8.1, we see splash screens all the time (Calendar, Music, Video, Games) Even with the built-in Xbox Music app, scrolling stutters, animation lags, and the iconic live tiles are gone too.

The Games hub and Me tile used to be functional and very useful. In fact, it was one of the core OS features that WP users brag about to our Android and iOS friends. Our games are not cluttered in the app list like Android. We have an elegant Pictures hub with panorama background images, and 8.1 have reduced it to a plain, amateur-ish photo app.

I wouldn't say I hate 8.1. It's more of a disappointment to me.

Cortana is pretty much a gimmick.

Notification center is actually useful if I can turn off Wi-Fi without being directed to the settings screen, and if it has the option to turn off data too.

3 columns of live tiles and background picture is nice.

And having a file manager is awesome too.
Cortana is not a gimmick trust me. I can just tell her to launch a game from my gameboy advance emulator and it will load straight away. Devs can use the APIs in their apps unlike siri on iOS.
Yes, Cortana could be useful in certain circumstances, but it's nothing more than a fancy version of the previous TellMe engine that used to power both WP7 and WP8. Plus, it's not even available in other countries yet. No local searches and no local recommendations, so it's not very useful even if users change their region to US.
Well low end units might not runt the latest WP perfectly smooth, but this goes for all the platforms!

I mean have you guys used a Iphone 4 with latest available iOS ? I can tell you it all but smooth. My daughter recently replaced her Sony Xperia Go which was running jelly bean, and it was extremely sluggish.

I would dare to say that WP is in fact the least hardware dependent os out of the three, i got my daughter a Lumia 630 and i was simply amazed how well this cheap handset performs, i mean in smokes my wife's old Iphone 4 in terms of speed and screen performance.

Sure if you try to play heavy 3d games you notice the lack of hardware power, but for basic OS operation is very snappy and performs extremely well considering the price tag.
Yes, Cortana could be useful in certain circumstances, but it's nothing more than a fancy version of the previous TellMe engine that used to power both WP7 and WP8. Plus, it's not even available in other countries yet. No local searches and no local recommendations, so it's not very useful even if users change their region to US.
No that's not true, Cortana is more then the tellme engine, Cortana does almost everything ie. If you get to know how she works and know how to get her to do almost everything
Yes, Cortana could be useful in certain circumstances, but it's nothing more than a fancy version of the previous TellMe engine that used to power both WP7 and WP8. Plus, it's not even available in other countries yet. No local searches and no local recommendations, so it's not very useful even if users change their region to US.

actually cortana is going to be releases in the UK and china next week which means there is going to be a localised bing for other countries!
I don't understand why people is always complaining about something that isn't finished. You're running a preview on a low end device with LOTS of live tiles, just wait for cyan, my mum has a L625 with cyan and her phone runs smoothly.

Btw, I'm using DP on my ativ S, I almost have 70 tiles (20 live tiles) and yes, the start screen lags sometimes but it's normal because of the unpolished firmware.

In reference to Xbox music/video the apps runs smoothly, it only takes few seconds to open the first time.
Here is my biggest gripe with the os. I have cyan (nokia lumia 925). as you can see not that many live tiles and did all the hard reset, don't restore data, used it for about 2 weeks. about 5 or 6 background tasks and I measure about 400 to 45 ms delay. that is just madding to me. wp8 has about 100 to 166ms. that is about 300 to 400% increase in input delay.

ps: the time it takes the animation to kick in is also the time to respond. this is not an animation issue but an input delay issue.
Of course I do, I always have a lot to say, especially when people rage.

And yes, you didn't get my point. My statement was not obviously related to you, but it's for you to decide either should it or not.

The most obvious example is the PC issue. Every and any single time, people start the complain with the words "My computer is not working, help me please", or "I got a virus, Windows is s#!t" etc etc. When you want to fix an issue, the very first thing you need to tell is WHAT did change right before the 'lags' appeared. You act pretty much like an average user, who is completely unaware about how they should use the phone properly.

P.S. Yes, sometimes there are software/hardware/firmware issues, I don't deny this. But when people are saying that their phones work flawlessly on 8.1, then it might be your local issue, not a global one...?
And when lots users are ccomplaining about then what does that.Read thre thread and count the sets.I am not the only one who is facing problem.
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