I've noticed another bug, tapping on the Wi-Fi icon in the action centre to turn off Wi-Fi takes me to the Wi-Fi settings page, instead of turning it off directly, anyone else got this problem?
I've noticed another bug, tapping on the Wi-Fi icon in the action centre to turn off Wi-Fi takes me to the Wi-Fi settings page, instead of turning it off directly, anyone else got this problem?
It always been like that. You can only turn on just tapping on itI've noticed another bug, tapping on the Wi-Fi icon in the action centre to turn off Wi-Fi takes me to the Wi-Fi settings page, instead of turning it off directly, anyone else got this problem?
I've noticed another bug, tapping on the Wi-Fi icon in the action centre to turn off Wi-Fi takes me to the Wi-Fi settings page, instead of turning it off directly, anyone else got this problem?
Ativ S camera still buggy, guess we'll have to wait for Samsung drivers. So far everything else works fine.
Start button lag from wake up is still there on my icon. Leaving WiFi off solves it tho so no biggie, although be nice if this had fixed it. Maybe battery is better, although was not bad after 8.1 anyway. Haven't really noticed anything else seems kinda ho hum to me. Be watching the battery .
Good work Microsoft and the WP8 team! This is how it ought to be!
Is anyone else thinking about doing a hard reset without recalling settings after finishing the update as to get a completely clean slate?
What does squashes bugs means
MS killed the bugs.....:devil:What does squashes bugs means
HTC 8X, Canada ... can't get the update. I can sign in to my dev account just fine from phone and PC. No idea why it's not working.