Windows Phone 8 Music Library gets corrupted

You should read my post which is just above yours and vote

Not likely, as you didn't offer any solution for me.

I don't care about Zune and do not want synchronize my MP3s with phone. I make my own MP3s (speech and books) and use them as directories. I have to create albs only because stupid windows phone does not have functionality as MP3 player for $30 and does not play directories I have to edit everything I plan to use on phone and no database helps me.
Now files do not duplicate, just if that f***ing player remembered what was played last time.
Not likely, as you didn't offer any solution for me.

I don't care about Zune and do not want synchronize my MP3s with phone. I make my own MP3s (speech and books) and use them as directories. I have to create albs only because stupid windows phone does not have functionality as MP3 player for $30 and does not play directories I have to edit everything I plan to use on phone and no database helps me.
Now files do not duplicate, just if that f***ing player remembered what was played last time.

Are you positive that Zune software isn't capable of doing those?

Also, there's another feature suggestion in Add File Manager to Windows Phone if you think Zune wouldn't be the solution for you with regards to directories.
i was also facing that type of problem or you can say, bigger than your problem.
my phone was unable to sync MUICS < vIDEOS AND PHOTOS FROM S CARD,
i was also facing that type of problem or you can say, bigger than your problem.
my phone was unable to sync MUICS < vIDEOS AND PHOTOS FROM S CARD,

I downloaded the program.


I did "clear history", restarted the phone but it didn't fix duplicate songs or albums/artists that don't show. It didn't fix anything. Tried it twice.

Didn't try other options as they seem unrelevant and I don't want to lose the music control on lock screen / volume buttons.
I agree that Windows has completely dropped the ball here. I have used Palm, Blackberry, iphone, android, and now windows. iphone and android it is plain simple to manage music. I have had a Nokia 521 for 3 weeks, and have worked on managing music for 3 weeks, and it is still impossible to copy a playlist to the phone. Sometimes the playlist disappear after a reboot, but this week the playlists display, but there is no music when you open the playlist. Sure, copying music via explorer can be done, but playlists are very important to me.

Even instructions for creating playlists on the phone don't work. Even if that did work, it would be a huge PIA.

I have no problem with the O/S, but come on, my Windows phone won't play nicely with my Windows PC? Incredible.

I have a Lumia 525 with WP8 Black, I copy my files to my SD card, and magically after some time I get duplicates or triplicates of the same song but they are of no value (00:00)
I too have been
Yet, a simple workaround for this--

remove memory card from mobile then insert into the card reader and then plz delete wpsystem folder(hidden folder) from memory card and insert into the phone all music and video will be update. Kinda brute force method!
Thanks, it worked for me

P.S. only music/video library became normal, the photo library still got duplicate image
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Hello! I have the same problem. ( My english is bad )
I downloaded the app Extreme Music and shows me all my artists and albums, even when Music + Videos don't. But still have problems with the duplicated songs.
Febrary 2014, GDR3 and the problem persists.
Feb 23, 2014. Lumia 925, black update, still gets duplicated. Quadrupled in my case.

I don't know what worked in the things that I've done, but now, it only have 1 entry each.

The story:
I dragged the music files in my Lumia via My Computer>WP>Phone>Music.

When I opened the music + video, all entries were duplicated. I searched the net, it said to turn off my xbox sync, I dont have that. I went to the next suggestion, delete all the files in the folder, which did not work. It only left ghost entries in my phone.

After some more searches, someone said to delete them all, one by one in the phone itself.

What I did was, I copied again, all the files(I cant delete if I did not) the deleted them one by one. I soft reset my phone, then tried to copy one music file. It produced only one entry, so, I went on and copied all the music files I want.

It was such a hassle, deleting 368 songs, with 4 entries each. =="

Is it me or WP8 is common to these kind of bugs? Also encountered ghost folders that I cant delete in photos.
Look people. There is no permanant fix to this...Its up to Micro**** to fix this..There really getting on my nerves. This should have been fixed along time ago. 8.1 better fix all these bugs!
You may wirelessly transfer/copy music files to your Windows Phone via a web browser using the updated version of Music Drop by Codeceptive Studios. The first version was great but the new one is even better! And what's best about this app: it's fast, efficient and most of all free ;-)
Yet, a simple workaround for this--

remove memory card from mobile then insert into the card reader and then plz delete wpsystem folder(hidden folder) from memory card and insert into the phone all music and video will be update. Kinda brute force method!

This bring back the albums & artists, but remove the cover art of all albums in WMA format, the MP3's are OK. The courious is that this is just the same that happen me when syncing with the Windows Phone app, no covert art for WMA files.
Hi i got the same problem,am deleting all my music song by song...firstly my music was 3.1gb before deleting ,am using wp desktop app even on it i wasn't able to delete these duplicated song, before optioning a hard reset i try deleting one by one song and it is working, i unplugged my lumia 625 deleted some song (still deleting at the moment) replug and in the wp desktop app it show that my music is now 1.4gb so i think it is working.....

Now i got into my storage check and it seem there's only 11mb of music, but in the wp desktop app i got 1.4gb of music, so i dont know if it is a bug or what else for me am deleting one by one my song hope it will work entirely for me as for you... wp_ss_20140311_0001[1].png wp_ss_20140311_0001[1].pngwp_ss_20140311_0003[1].pngwp_ss_20140311_0004[1].png .... some images to show process ...
Dude, just wipe the memory card (format) and sync with either Musicbee or Mediamonkey. That works most of the time. I have also tried to delete the Wpsettings.dat inside the Wpsystem folder. that might work sometimes.
This is still an issue with my Lumia 1520 music on SD card.
After a few days, songs list shows all songs - artist and albums lists are empty.
File meta data on the SD card is ok, still have artist and album info on all songs.

I don't want Zune, I don't want any fancy software. Just fix the stupid bugs in the music library already!

FYI - I'm using windows media player to sync since it is the only way I got it to work with my playlists.
Needless to say - I disabled xbox music live since it changes all my music to the wrong info, making up song and artist names. I have music that's not in English as well and that makes it go crazy.

I love this phone and OS, but the music library here is the worst I have seen in a phone since my Nokia in 1996!
I had the problem of each track being listed multiple times on my phone (Lumia 520). I fixed it by getting rid of all the music in .wma format (so that all the music on my phone is now .mp3).

I did have a mixture of mp3, wma standard and wma lossless files on my phone; I suspect that using a wma file of either format causes the problem.

I spent some time trying to fix the multiple listing problem by searching for some kind of music index on my phone so that I could edit or delete it. I came to the conclusion that the index is dynamic (i.e. re-built by the phone every time it’s used) so it’s pointless trying to edit it.

If you’ve got a lot of music in wma format this is obviously bad news. Since wma is a Microsoft format I guess there’s a chance that they’ll update their phone operating system to support their own music format but from my experience it can take years for this kind of problem to be fixed (the last time I searched for this, there was no acknowledgement that the problem even existed). Personally I’ve re-ripped my CDs in mp3 format and I have no intention of ever going back to a proprietary format like wma.
I had the problem of each track being listed multiple times on my phone (Lumia 520). I fixed it by getting rid of all the music in .wma format (so that all the music on my phone is now .mp3).

I did have a mixture of mp3, wma standard and wma lossless files on my phone; I suspect that using a wma file of either format causes the problem.

I spent some time trying to fix the multiple listing problem by searching for some kind of music index on my phone so that I could edit or delete it. I came to the conclusion that the index is dynamic (i.e. re-built by the phone every time it’s used) so it’s pointless trying to edit it.

If you’ve got a lot of music in wma format this is obviously bad news. Since wma is a Microsoft format I guess there’s a chance that they’ll update their phone operating system to support their own music format but from my experience it can take years for this kind of problem to be fixed (the last time I searched for this, there was no acknowledgement that the problem even existed). Personally I’ve re-ripped my CDs in mp3 format and I have no intention of ever going back to a proprietary format like wma.

I don't think this is the issue, as I have both mp3's and wma's as well. As far as I understand, the issue has been solved in GDR2 or GDR3 after you do a hard reset, wiping all data on your phone. Whatever weird stuff I do on 8.0 or 8.1 with copying music, it is not possible anymore to get duplicate, triplicate or quadricate (if that's a word lol) entries anymore. So, a hard reset resolves this issue when you're on the latest version (GDR3 or 8.1). Kind of odd you need to wipe all data, but that's the fix.
Thank you for the solution.I am about to hard reset my Lumia 520.Are you sure hard reset will solve mp3 duplication problem in WP8?.And how to hard reset the phone ?.What things should I backup so that I can return to my current state?

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