Windows Phone 8 Music Library gets corrupted

sorry to say, I've not enough time to verify the issues, but it seem when you manipulate the mp3 tagging information, it might help to properly group up your album, but of cause you need proper tags on each and every field... I doing this because compiling an audio bible for my own use and found if we properly tag each and every mp3 file accordingly the Music & Video gallery shown up just nice with only a single Artist/Album with all the child items within... hope this info help :)
I solved the multiple-songs-in-musicplayer-problem for me on a Nokia Lumia 920 running Windows Phone Black update.

I did this on a windows 7, but I think this method works on other OS as well.

Step 1 Connect your phone to your computer and open it in Windows Explorer
Step 2 Go into the music folder and delete all the artists, albums, songs and playlists and make sure you do this in both the Regular and the HIDDEN folders you can search for "Show hidden files" on microsoft's website if you don't know how to make windows show all hidden folders
Step 3 Disconnect your phone and check if there are any songs left in your library, if so, manually delete them on your phone
Step 4 Reconnect your phone and open the windows phone desktop app (or windows phone app if you're on windows 8) syncronize the music you want to have on your phone.
Step 5 Enoy your music and be awesome! :wink:

I hope this worked for you guys!
I solved the multiple-songs-in-musicplayer-problem for me on a Nokia Lumia 920 running Windows Phone Black update.

Thanks for your attempted solution. It has been posted before and it works to get rid of duplicates temporarily, but the underlying problem still remains. As you update your music library duplicates will eventually come back and you will have to redo the whole process again. There is some fundamental problem in the way media data is stored, which will probably need to be addressed at an OS level.
The duplicate issue anyone still seeing it with the latest Cyan on WP8.1 DP GDR1?? for me it seem resolved included the nasty photo gallery mess up too... it seem the new firmware/OS resolved all of them... but very bad we lost all those lovely random background images within the People Hub, Photo Hub, Music Hub... now only left dull black black background... :crying:
I ve had some of the issues mentioned in this thread. This 620 Lumia is my 1st smart?phone.
I miss my old symbian phone (Nokia 6500 slide) for it's ease of playing music from the files, just as I put them in the sd card memory!. I don't like this Xbox app and not found anything better in store
. I had put many albums onto sd card that were ripped from CDs and copied from elsewhere to my PC and these apps try to split up the tracks, especially if all the info was not there when I copied. Is there any way of just listening to my songs through Windows Explorer files without using music apps that I don't need?
Is there any way of just listening to my songs through Windows Explorer files without using music apps that I don't need?

Basically, no. Whatever you do you will need an app to play your music. If you're only interested in playing songs stored on the phone (as opposed to cloud services) you'll need to trawl through the apps in the store to see if any suit you. Most seem to focus on playing from cloud services.
I know this is for Windows users but does anyone know if Android (rooted or not) is the same? Any way of playing music from files rather than an app?
I know this is for Windows users but does anyone know if Android (rooted or not) is the same? Any way of playing music from files rather than an app?

I'm really not sure what you're asking for. AFAIK no operating system plays music files without the use of application software. In Windows you need File Explorer to choose the music file and then opening the file opens the associated program to play it - and you can choose which program that is. Windows Phone, Android and iOS aren't much different - the OS itself uses an appropriate app to play the file.

If you're asking for an app that can list your music based on file names rather than meta data information (such as artist, album, title, etc.), yes there are many on Android that can do that. I'm not sure whether any of the Windows Phone apps can.

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