Windows Phone Central App error messsge

Re: Error getting this thread, Tapatalk API was not valid

so when will all this get updated? i use wpcentral app, not tapatalk. whats the point in having wpcentral app, if we can't view threads
Re: Error getting this thread, Tapatalk API was not valid

Same problem here on my 928. Please fix.
Re: Error getting this thread, Tapatalk API was not valid

Due to this problem, I had to download tapatalk & I am using it.
Re: Error getting this thread, Tapatalk API was not valid

Im getting this error on my lumia 630. Was getting it also last Saturday morning. Other areas of the app seem to work fine, just effecting the forum for me. Is this must be problem with the app ? I've never used tapatalk
Re: Error getting this thread, Tapatalk API was not valid

Im getting this error on my lumia 630. Was getting it also last Saturday morning. Other areas of the app seem to work fine, just effecting the forum for me. Is this must be problem with the app ? I've never used tapatalk

All of them are getting this problem, even I am getting it from yesterday evening. So today I downloaded tapatalk. Its good, download it if you need to post your comments or read any thread. Even I hadn't used tapatalk before, but its better than WPcentral app for forums
Re: Error getting this thread, Tapatalk API was not valid

All of them are getting this problem, even I am getting it from yesterday evening. So today I downloaded tapatalk. Its good, download it if you need to post your comments or read any thread. Even I hadn't used tapatalk before, but its better than WPcentral app for forums

The wpcentral app has worked fine for me before. Why would I want to download another app to use it, when Ive already paid for this one
Re: Error getting this thread, Tapatalk API was not valid

The wpcentral app has worked fine for me before. Why would I want to download another app to use it, when Ive already paid for this one
I just installed Tapatalk just for kicks and that app is ten times worse! So yes, let's just hope the Devs put out a fix soon. James Falconer said he sent the info to them already.
Re: Error getting this thread, Tapatalk API was not valid

I just installed Tapatalk just for kicks and that app is ten times worse! So yes, let's just hope the Devs put out a fix soon. James Falconer said he sent the info to them already.

I found it the other way round, I found it better than WPcentral app for forums, just too good, from now on I won't be using WPcentral app for at least browsing through forums. Tapatalk is also faster than WPcentral app. Sometimes there are issues like couldn't get this thread, error connecting to WPcentralforums, couldn't connect to WPcentral. At least all this issues are gone now(temporarily)
Re: Error getting this thread, Tapatalk API was not valid

Jay, Where are you.. App needs a fix..
Re: Error getting this thread, Tapatalk API was not valid

Yeah & I hope with new features possibly
App is riddled with errors. Can't do anything

I'm having major app problems on my Lumia 928. The wpcentral app overnight has become useless. Please provide a fix. I've taken a couple screen shots of the errors I'm getting below:

Re: App is riddled with errors. Can't do anything

I'm having the same issue, tried uninstalling and reinstalled it with the same issue.
Re: Error getting this thread, Tapatalk API was not valid

Getting this error since the past 28 hours(could be longer) when using the WPCentral app.It only affects viewing the forums(and commenting on them).The articles viewing and commenting is working fine. Tried reinstalling the app,still the problem occured.I thought I was banned from the forums for God knows what reason :winktongue: Then I signed in from my laptop and it's working fine. Hope this helps :grin:
Re: Error getting this thread, Tapatalk API was not valid

Jay Bennett, the developer, is really good IMHO. He'll get this fixed.
Re: Error getting this thread, Tapatalk API was not valid

Im also getting that error message. Any word on a time frame for a fix?
Re: Error getting this thread, Tapatalk API was not valid

Good to see Im not alone :) downloaded Tapatalk but dont know how to use it (didnt try hard, but its not simple)
Re: Error getting this thread, Tapatalk API was not valid

You're (we're) not alone...


Same problem on my 1520 with the WPCentral app.
Error getting thread

I can't open any threads on my phone using the app. Everytime I try to open a thread, my phone displays "error getting thread." I tried reinstalling the app but it still doesn't work.

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