Windows Phone developers preview to come the same date as Windows 9 Threshold?


New member
Aug 20, 2014
Hi everyone.

Just wondering if you guys think we will see a developer preview for WP9 around the same time as the Windows 9 Preview release?
As far as I remember the Windows 9 release will be the 30th of September?

What do you guys think? Would be really cool if Microsoft does that :)


New member
Nov 16, 2013
Wow, that wold be something if they released the OS for the PC and the OS for the Phone on the same day.....

Long Syntax

New member
Jul 3, 2012
It would be great if MS did have a DP for WP 9 on the same date. More importantly to me is that they have a clear vision for where they want to go and their implementation reflects the vision. As much as I like having their development driven by customer feedback, design shouldn't be driven solely by feedback forums.


New member
Jul 11, 2013
Last time Windows Phone 8.1 GDR2 (which is now in the Windows Phone 8.15.xxxxx build series) was rumored to come October/November. I don't think Microsoft is planning to release the Windows Phone Threshold Preview with the Windows Threshold Preview. I do think, however, that Microsoft will release Windows Phone Threshold and Windows Threshold as final products arround the same time. I mean, Windows Phone updates don't need 8 months testing before it can go out to the public. So there is plenty of time to release GDR2, perhaps GDR3 and then move on to the big update Windows Phone 9 for spring next year, together with Windows 9.

On the other hand, the fact that Microsoft bumped the Windows Phone version from 8.10 to 8.15 let me think that we're getting something bigger then GDR2. Also, they aren't naming it "Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1", but just "Windows Phone 8.1 Update". They did the same thing with Windows, there have been a lot of rumors of and GDR2 for Windows, but eventualy, there was no update. Just an announcement that Microsoft would start rolling out features every month. I think Microsoft will take their time and use it to release a "Windows Phone 8.5", after all, Microsofts own software made references to such a release.


Retired Ambassador
Jun 8, 2013
I don't think so. The "technical preview" is suppose to be an early version. Like way early. I'd assume that the DP would come around the time of a Release Preview or Consumer Preview.

Dex Da Rex

New member
Aug 22, 2012
I read a rumor today that a DP would be available by the end of the year. That is just a rumor though, would be nice to get a preview this year.


New member
Sep 26, 2011
All existing lumia mobiles will support for Windows phone 9 ????

I hope that will be answered by Microsoft soon and hopefully before the DEV event in Las Vegas on September 30. My personal hope is that the answer is YES, otherwise we know that we will have to hold off purchasing a new model now and wait for the model that will support WP9.


May 15, 2013
I would say we will get the preview once WP9 reaches the RTM milestone just like we did with WP8.1, people who keep saying WP8.1 DP was a beta release - are well... shouldn't be testing "beta" software to put it politely.

As WP 8.1 DP was not a beta release, it was the RTM version without any firmware updates and not the finished product. The latter only occurs when it is EOL'd (just like XP) as there will always be post RTM updates / fixes, just like how Windows gets updates however just not as frequently.

The threshold preview, is a techinical preview not a consumer preview and would suggest that it is installed in a virtual environment or if you are fortunate to have a spare laptop laying around, on that as opposed to on your main machine.
Jan 30, 2014
All existing lumia mobiles will support for Windows phone 9 ????

My personal hope is yes
Logics suggests yes for more recent powerful devices

Should that not happen i'll stop my plans to slowly migrate to WP and will stay on Android with a Galaxy Note 4 till a big BB phablet comes out on the market (2015) and then will move to BB if it doesn's shut down before.

Having a device i haven't been able to use properly in 9 months due to shortcomings + being unable to upgrade to the new stuff would make me a very very very unhappy customer. And despite my complaints i buy a lot of MSFT hardware.


May 15, 2013
My personal hope is yes
Logics suggests yes for more recent powerful devices

Should that not happen i'll stop my plans to slowly migrate to WP and will stay on Android with a Galaxy Note 4 till a big BB phablet comes out on the market (2015) and then will move to BB if it doesn's shut down before.

Having a device i haven't been able to use properly in 9 months due to shortcomings + being unable to upgrade to the new stuff would make me a very very very unhappy customer. And despite my complaints i buy a lot of MSFT hardware.

I doubt they will move away from the NT kernal in the near future and given even the Xbox somewhat runs (as it is a hybrid device running 3 o/ses) off the same kernal we are still good for a couple of years :p.

Blackberry is slowly fading away into irrelevancy, they had a golden opportunity when MS announced that they will be killing off Windows Mobile 6.x. If BB 0S 10 came before Wp7, the landscape could have looked pretty bleak for Windows Mobile users lol. Unfortunately the Kernel hop has pushed away a lot of WM stalwarts.


New member
Oct 6, 2012
My guess here.. Build 8.15.xxxx will come out as wp8.x version for existing devices and then new 'threshold' build of wp9 for new devices in Feb..just like wp7.8 and wp8.0
Jan 30, 2014
@ TechFreak

I entirely agree on your analysis on both WP and BB. However, my irrational 6th sense tells me BB has chances for a revival, even though it'll never gain the same market share it used to have. This especially applies if WP reaches maturity and starts being adopted by companies (next step normally is government).
However it's worth mentioning BB for some reason has better chances than WP in some "politically sensitive" markets where Microsoft and the US are not well seen.
China for example is also developing it's own OS to remove Windows. This is happening in the mobile realm too. In this perspective BB has more chances than a fully integrated Windows platform that China (for sure) does not want. And the Chinese market (together with India) is big, very big.


Retired Ambassador
Jun 8, 2013
Yesterday, Mary Jo Foley said on Windows Weekly that her sources are saying that the ARM-based SKU of Windows (where they combine WP and RT) is suppose to come out some time very early next year. She thinks January.


New member
Oct 29, 2012
Wow, that wold be something if they released the OS for the PC and the OS for the Phone on the same day.....

That reqires the development teams of both windows x86, windows ARM and Windows phone to be working in tandem. Windows x86 and ARM has been working in tandem, but windows phone has been on its own unguided, undirected, self-charted path. Win9 hopes to combine all the teams together so that we finally have winx86 and win ARM/Winphone working as a cohesive unit. God knows its been long desperately needed at this point and for the betterment of progress moving forward.

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