Windows Phone is complicated...

That's what a store rep told my friend when she asked for the low down on windows phone. She was also told that BB10 is the best thing since sliced bread and she should look no further. *shocked*

Unless someone ventures into Settings, WP is very simple
That's what a store rep told my friend when she asked for the low down on windows phone. She was also told that BB10 is the best thing since sliced bread and she should look no further. *shocked*

complicated?! compared to what? iOS? android? BB? I have used WP, iOS and android.
all are easy to use. it's a matter of getting used to how each OS works and how it works for the user.
no complications from my point of view.

and a follow-up question.
was this a corporate store or an authorized reseller?
The only complication is if you are not used to it. I remember when I first got a WP after using Android for awhile. WP seemed harder to use, albeit for only a few seconds! I agree with GabrielStorm a few posts up; none of the OSs are complicated, as long as you're used to them.

I do agree with most here that for someone who has never used a smartphone, WP is probably the simplest. In my experience WP becomes more complicated when you start doing more than the very basic tasks.

Such as?
Honestly as a tech savvy user I pick up stuff really quickly. I play around with things and catch on quick. This should however apply to any person with a few brain cells and living in a technological world. My parents are another story as they are old and retired and still use VHS. I have tested ios/android and windows on them. Currently they use ios but they still forget things if they don't use them for a while, things like share feature etc... The share button is odd in ios. So someone who doesn't use it often may forget. Apps/store is pretty simple for them. I usually install the apps for them though. Android they found really complicated and didn't want to use it. When they played around with windows they figured a lot of stuff on their own without asking me. They really liked that they could just make the tiles really big for stuff they use. The store they couldn't deal with and the settings was a huge no for them. Also none of the apps they actually use are out for Windows. In terms of settings they prefer ios but they don't go in there anyways.

So I think if you are speaking about older people and you preconfigure a device for them. They will likely have an easier time dealing with large tiles. It actually would be cool if microsoft allowed the really big tile on the smaller devices. It's up to me if I want it taking up half my screen.

Anyways, as far as other users go. If you have to sell the person on which one is easier to use then they are a dumb-***. Mobile phones can be figured out quite easily without even needing to be a techie. Just play around with it. Heck there's a freaking help app for all devices.
I believe WP is good and easy, because of it's metro theme. I know grandmas' that love WP for it's easy interface. But then again, it really depends on your preferences.
My parents are another story as they are old and retired and still use VHS.

Mobile phones can be figured out quite easily without even needing to be a techie. Just play around with it. Heck there's a freaking help app for all devices.
A 90 year old man once told me he it was hard to respect young people because they waste so much time doing things themselves. He said all he has to do is pretend he doesn't understand something and some young person jumps in and does it for him while he's reading the sports page or checking the market.
A 90 year old man once told me he it was hard to respect young people because they waste so much times doing things themselves. He said all he has to do is pretend he doesn't understand something and some young person jumps in and does it for him while he's reading the sports page or checking the market.


Though, it all depends on the thing in question.

Just got my mom a 928 and updated it, set up an account with security and everything for her, apps, everything. But I like playing around with a phone.

Last time she needed a computer though, she got a Dell. Wife's parents? Dell. Dad? HP (it was a weak, foolish, moment -- it had Vista on it too!).

I have no desire to spend my time assembling a PC anymore. Ugh.
A 90 year old man once told me he it was hard to respect young people because they waste so much time doing things themselves. He said all he has to do is pretend he doesn't understand something and some young person jumps in and does it for him while he's reading the sports page or checking the market.

I try this all the time...
Trouble is with people I know it doesn't work :cool:

The wife does this to me too...if she doesn't want to deal with a prob on her 635 she hands it to me with the "here Windows boy handle it"...
Funny how it works the wife had worked in IC tech manufacturing for about 25 years before retiring.
The problem is, carrier stores don't hire qualified people like other industries. If you want a job as a developer, you have to know how to develop the product they are selling. If you want a job as a engineer, you have to have an engineering background. But if you want to sell cell phones, you only need to have seen commercials.
........... BB10 easier than Windows Phone? I've only played with BB10 twice, but it seems to involve more unexplained gestures than Windows 8.0.

Makes me wonder what store this took place in. And what incentives the guy had (aside from possibly just enjoying BB10).

... heh. "I'm sick of looking at these unsold Z10's all day this past year and a half. I'm going to make it my personal mission to get rid of them!"
windows phone 8.1 is not stable enough it have lots of problem my gps is not working at all it shows only a green spot(unknown location) anyone know how to solve this plese help me. i have done multiple hard reset and soft resset but the problem still persist
windows phone 8.1 is not stable enough it have lots of problem my gps is not working at all it shows only a green spot(unknown location) anyone know how to solve this plese help me. i have done multiple hard reset and soft resset but the problem still persist

did you have your data on or connected to wifi?

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