Windows Phone settings menu is terrible

Only the Nokia apps near the bottom are sorted by update date.

Yeah - that's pretty weird and annoying - makes you forget the order. However, I find the Android settings menu horrible as well. Phone updates under info? What they could do is make a control panel-like menu with headings, like display, connectivity etc. I do like the fact there are no sub sub sub settings menu's.
A simple semantic zoom organizing them with idk icons or just alphabets would be highly desirable I guess. Why are we still not seeing semantic zooming anywhere in WP (except in Rudy Huyn's Apps)
I have used to that mess but it's indeed really clustered and sometimes I have problems finding that specific setting. They should do something about it.
A simple semantic zoom organizing them with idk icons or just alphabets would be highly desirable I guess. Why are we still not seeing semantic zooming anywhere in WP (except in Rudy Huyn's Apps)

Might be because of the small percentage of Windows Phone users who have WP 8.1 would make use of the semantic zoom. That's why I'm holding off updating my apps to 8.1 until public release.
They should make groups like general, display, sound, ... available by swiping left/right. And in the groups then you have the respective entries.

Plus they should merge things like audio and sound settings.

You get the point...CLEAN UP MS!
A simple semantic zoom organizing them with idk icons or just alphabets would be highly desirable I guess. Why are we still not seeing semantic zooming anywhere in WP (except in Rudy Huyn's Apps)

Icons are often ugly. I really hate the new icon on top of the screen of the notification - which seems to mimic a newspaper? It's so ugly. Too bad they don't auto hide either. I am so happy WP does NOT have real icons on the start screen. They are so ugly if you look at the iOS and Android home screens. WIMP is no longer the core of interfaces - icons are not a necessity anymore. Lots of people speak English and there are localized versions of OS's now: interfacing through text could be very much the future.
Then people will complain that Wi-Fi is right at the bottom... you can't win :P

If you take a look all the most used settings are at the top. Having them scattered all over the list in alphabetical order to keep people with OCD happy is ridiculous.
How would anyone know what is used most by any one person? That makes no sense whatsoever. People use their phones in a myriad of ways. Making the list alphabetical is the only way to make order of that nonsense. If that's the logic MS is using for the settings page, why not sort apps in order of popularity in the store? Obviously, I'll use an app more because its popular, right?
You have to opt-in to send such data feedback. And for those who opt-in, wouldn't they be able to get data on apps and any other menu-driven aspects of the OS; so why limit the crazy ordering to the "setting" menu only?
It's set by default if you pick recommend settings when you first set up your phone. I'm sure most people have it on. The setting order is not the big deal you're making it out to be.
More nit picking.

There's probably some database in the bowels of Microsoft that have determined settings choices near the top are most used.
Who many milli-seconds does it take to scroll.
We all love to scroll anyway.
What could be easier.

Crimeny sakes...
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Someone should make an topic for a new redesigned settings UI on user voice for it. I'm sure a lot of people would vote for this.
It's a bit funny I never seen something as bad as this there are no icons in the settings like on IOS or Android that you can find your settings faster because of the symbols and they should categorize the settings list. Microsoft!? Sometimes I don't understand your logics.
Someone should make an topic for a new redesigned settings UI on user voice for it. I'm sure a lot of people would vote for this.
It's a bit funny I never seen something as bad as this there are no icons in the settings like on IOS or Android that you can find your settings faster because of the symbols and they should categorize the settings list. Microsoft!? Sometimes I don't understand your logics.

Few even gave this a second thought until an errant post brought it up.
Just ain't that important...
The commonly used settings are now covered by the Action Center quick buttons, which helps out a huge amount.

I was never really inconvenienced by the order of the settings menu anyway.
The more people complain about the settings the more I find it easier to navigate. The real problem is not the order of the settings or that there's no dumb icons. It's that there's just too many settings to scroll through now. If some settings were combined into others (touch, display, rotation into one, Nokia apps into one) the settings list would be much shorter and people would move onto other things to whine about.
One good thing with present settings is, if we update any settings it will show in last in list.... One n Only best feature :D

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