Windows Phone settings menu is terrible

Alphabetical order will be strange, have the "About" on top its completely weird.

Yeah it would be mad to have it in alphabetical order.

Why can't they have it so you can put them in any order you want like the way you can move the stuff in folders up and down.
The more people complain about the settings the more I find it easier to navigate. The real problem is not the order of the settings or that there's no dumb icons. It's that there's just too many settings to scroll through now. If some settings were combined into others (touch, display, rotation into one, Nokia apps into one) the settings list would be much shorter and people would move onto other things to whine about.

exactly, this is the real problem.
Hell I didn't even notice it wasn't in any particular order. I don't mess with settings much. I change it the first time the phone boots up and that's that. I don't need to go in there again. I don't think alphabetical order is the way to go as some has already gotten used to it. This subject is kind of meh
As far as I have noticed the options in the setting menu are arranged according to the updates. The last updated one goes right at the bottom. Anyways arranging them alphabetically would be the worst decision. They can desperate then into hubs with similar kind of settings on one hub. But surely getting them to complete the OS is far more important than these little tweaks. Hopefully they will be addressed later.
I remember reading that Joe was asked this in a recent AMA session with WPCentral. He admitted that it does look a bit of a mess with the order of items being largely arbitrary. It may be addressed in a future update but I didn't get the impression it was a high priority item.
Interesting concept but a lot of space is wasted on tiles. Tiles are for the Start screen.

What we have now is better but some cleanup is needed to shorten the list. Touch, display, brightness, and rotation could be combined into one for example.

I agree with the cleanup,
but I've managed to put 12 icons in the first settings page, while my 520 have only 7 links, the way it is.
I like the idea of an alphabetic list but with a "Favorites" section at the top either manually set or the past 5 you used. I don't care if wifi is up there any more. I can grab it from Action Center. But the way it is now is awful at best...
The setting menu is definitely terrible. I prefer to have icon on each of the setting list. So you don't have to spell out in your mind for example when searching for a 'brightness' setting ^_^. With the icons/symbols placed on each of the setting list you can scroll the setting menu faster without having to read each setting. How could they not aware of this icon13.png.
I can see this is an old thread; I completely concur, its insanity as to why they simply said, "**** any form of coherent organization in the settings pane." However, the thing I enjoy the most about the oncoming W10 update is that you can finally choose what settings buttons you want in your notification center, so your main used settings should technically be two clicks away. No?

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