Windows Store Phones Out of Stock


New member
Sep 7, 2013
Most of last week Lumia 950 and 950XL were on sale but were Out of Stock. Now they aren't on sale and I never got a chance to buy one. So Microsoft is not going to give the people that wanted to buy this phone a way to buy it on sale? $300 verses $500 is a lot of money!
Not likely, with any sale it's usually "first come first serve"... Only option for some that missed the on-line deal would have been to visit a physical store that still had stock.
A rep at a local Microsoft store said that Microsoft basically had the store ship all Windows phones back to Microsoft.
It sucks, my store only has a tiny cubby with an elite x3 with laptop dock near the back :( should of bought the 650 on sale when I had the chance I guess!
No Windows Phone in Stores!!

My 4 years old W10M is about to die. So I decided to search for new ones in the store. But there are not one. Not a single W10M, not even the recently launched 650 and 950. Checked amazon, eBay, flipkart and snapdeal. Its true that Surface phones is about to come and HP elite is there. But as the name suggests, these devices are for elite people who can afford them and who live in a small part of North America. W10M may not be dead. But it's certainly dead in developing countries, not because its time was up but Microsoft decided to kill it.
Re: No Windows Phone in Stores!!

Thanks for using Smile. :cool:

My wife and I have our donations going to "Be the Match." What's your cause?

The one we donate to most often is a group of consecrated religious who do great things here in the States, but also in places like Africa, etc.

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