WM10 release build (10584.164) issues and solutions

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On my 950ds I can say the only bugs I really have on .164 is the app list light thing and now hey Cortana has been crashing alot lately even just the app it self is crashing now for about a week or two
I think it does not matter much but the safest way to go is to format it in the phone if you want it in your phone.

I was not able to format the SD card in the phone; didn't find an option for that. I formatted it by removing it from the phone and doing it with my laptop.

Offline maps are now working.
If I delete Photos in the Photos-App, all the deleted images are still visible in File-Explorer.
I once had issues like this and was sending bug reports to app developers. Turns out my SD card controller had gone bad, so no single app could write changes to it, but they could read.
I once had issues like this and was sending bug reports to app developers. Turns out my SD card controller had gone bad, so no single app could write changes to it, but they could read.

All photos stored on my Lumia 1020. The Photo App is from Microsoft.
One thing I always do after MS updates a lot of apps is a soft reset. Just pull the battery out and restart. Seems to fix slowness.
After a reset, some apps under extras don't install. You can't use your phone until everything is installed. The Store hangs too much while updating apps, I wish they include updated apps in every build, because is really painful to update them in the current state.

For example, now Store update apps without a Microsoft Account, but if you don't sign in with your Microsoft Account in the OOBE, and remove the apps that came pre-installed, they came back. In 8.1 that wasn't a trouble. \:
Yet another annoying bug: VLC Player does not play the album selected, only one song and then stops.
Anybody experiencing the same? (It is not a VLC issue as it worked properly on 8.1)
I gave up on Groove: it destroys my properly tagged files.

Right? Album, album art, album artist, and all the songs within are properly tagged. What do I see when playing music? Unknown album, unknown artist, big [ ? ] for the album art.
Right? Album, album art, album artist, and all the songs within are properly tagged. What do I see when playing music? Unknown album, unknown artist, big [ ? ] for the album art.
Well, I don't know how properly your songs are tagged but I had the same issue (after it has turned out that VLC does not work in W10) and I downloaded a free mp3 tagger which can tag your files en masse. Now, I have about 20 albums on my Lumia 640 properly tagged including album art etc.
Still cannot connect my Lumia 640 via USB to Windows 7 64-bit Home.
I refresh MTP USB Device and sometimes it even changes to Lumia 640 but still not recognizing phone.
In 1 out of ten cases when I manually update MTP USB device, the phone appears as Lumia 640 together with the SD card in it and can be browsed in Windows File Explorer.
Had to hard reset over the weekend, as this build wasn't installing. Now I have build .164.
Didn't restore any apps or messages through the cloud.

Now camara crashes after imediate opening. Apps like Instagram and Facebook also crash when trying to use cam function. Ideas?
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