WM10 release build (10584.164) issues and solutions

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Hi All,
I upgraded to win10 M on my lumia 830. The upgrade went through fine.. no major problems uptill now.
However, I had the steps app set on my lock screen. I am not able to get is back again. Any help is appreciated.
I checked in the settings->Lock Screen and have chosen the Health and fitness app. Still the Steps data is not getting reflected.
I upgraded to Win 10 mobile, after an hour of installing it changed my phone language to Italian (I bought it in Italy), but it won't change it to English! I tried adding the language and when I tap Restart Phone it just goes back to the Time and Language page. And every time I try it that happens!
I went to Phone Update and tried downloading 10.0.10586.164. It wont download
I can't even type. There is no keyboard!

Should I do a hard reset?

Since hard reset will restore your phone to its factory condition, and when it boots up will give the option to choose the language.. so I guess you should. But I don't understand why it didn't download the .164 update.
Hi All,
I upgraded to win10 M on my lumia 830. The upgrade went through fine.. no major problems uptill now.
However, I had the steps app set on my lock screen. I am not able to get is back again. Any help is appreciated.
I checked in the settings->Lock Screen and have chosen the Health and fitness app. Still the Steps data is not getting reflected.

Have you updated all the apps, including Glance Screen app after upgrading to W10M? If not, go to Store, and do a check for updates and update all the apps and see.
there seem to be so many issues even after a hard reset. I will list them:
1. Live tiles on Lumia 930 with .164 don't refresh themselves. I mean Cortana tile when you resize it stops updating, you have to reset for it to work. WindowsCentral live tile the same, I got the the same articles for the past day.
2. Apps show up even though they are uninstalled. Can't launch them, you can click uninstall as many times as you like, nothing happens. The entry will just stay there without an icon.
3. Apps show up in app list as pending even though they are installed (Lumia Motion Data).
4. Keyboard prediction/touch is crap compared to 8.1
5. Cortana news feed is smaller than the width of the screen (what's with the black stripes on the side?)
6. page tabs in Edge are huge (wtf?)
7. Browsing in store is slow (not because of internet connection) , going back and forth in store is a pain
8. Lock screen is quite sluggish when entering pin code.
9. Camera is rubbish (poor audio recording - mono in FullHD and stereo in 4k with a very low audio bitrate 160kbps).
10. Launching an app from the start screen sometimes goes to the app list.
11. No logo on the start screen when the view is minimized by the back button.
12. Flickering/double fake swap in Groove Music Action Center.
13. Lastly, resolution on the Lumia 930 seems to not be really full HD, the screen is smaller. You can easily test that by having tiles on whole screen without the need to scroll, you will see that you can actually scroll just a little making sometimes the live tiles overlapping the connection/clock/notify bar.
Upgraded my L730 from 8.1 two days ago and it is working fine, no lags, animations are smooth, pretty stable actually, I just had a minor issue with some system apps which have been duplicated in the app list after the upgrade, particularly outlook and onedrive. I tried to uninstall them but no luck so I did a factory reset to start clean and eliminate all other possible issues. However, after the reset, I noticed that it lags sometimes, the animations are stuttering on some occasions when navigating in start screen, which I didn't experienced before the reset. At first, I thought that it's just because it's still in the process of installing all the app updates after the initial setup, but it's still lags after all the updates have finished installing. Does any of you guys have the same issue?
there seem to be so many issues even after a hard reset. I will list them:
1. Live tiles on Lumia 930 with .164 don't refresh themselves. I mean Cortana tile when you resize it stops updating, you have to reset for it to work. WindowsCentral live tile the same, I got the the same articles for the past day.
2. Apps show up even though they are uninstalled. Can't launch them, you can click uninstall as many times as you like, nothing happens. The entry will just stay there without an icon.
3. Apps show up in app list as pending even though they are installed (Lumia Motion Data).
4. Keyboard prediction/touch is crap compared to 8.1
5. Cortana news feed is smaller than the width of the screen (what's with the black stripes on the side?)
6. page tabs in Edge are huge (wtf?)
7. Browsing in store is slow (not because of internet connection) , going back and forth in store is a pain
8. Lock screen is quite sluggish when entering pin code.
9. Camera is rubbish (poor audio recording - mono in FullHD and stereo in 4k with a very low audio bitrate 160kbps).
10. Launching an app from the start screen sometimes goes to the app list.
11. No logo on the start screen when the view is minimized by the back button.
12. Flickering/double fake swap in Groove Music Action Center.
13. Lastly, resolution on the Lumia 930 seems to not be really full HD, the screen is smaller. You can easily test that by having tiles on whole screen without the need to scroll, you will see that you can actually scroll just a little making sometimes the live tiles overlapping the connection/clock/notify bar.

You have to set again the screen text dimension in settings!!!
I updated the Network Services app. Afterwards it started to appear in the app list (where it never was before) as pending. If I click on it I get directed to the store where it says the app is installed and I can open it from there. Uninstalling also isn't possible.
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What I've encountered so far on Lumia 640 Dual-SIM; OS version: 10586.164

1. Network and wireless -> Data Usage: attempting to set "Restrict background data" or turning on "Restrict background data while roaming" crashes the setting app and goes back to the start screen.

2. While on the all app list, doing any of the following will result in the list being un-dimmed.
a. launching an app and then going back to the all app list with the back button.
b. locking and unlocking the phone.
c. tapping-and-holding the back button and then going back to the all app list.

3. Update & security: sometimes the Backup setting page fails to load.

4. If "Show my cloud-only content" in Photos app is turned on: shooting a photo with the camera app and then immediately deleting it from the camera app itself would not delete it from the photos app right away. It would remain listed but would disappear after the list is refreshed. (need to investigate further)

5. In some cases, after unlocking a pin-locked lockscreen, it might take 1-2 seconds for the start screen to show up.

6. In some cases, some apps have blank icons, either in the all app list, the recent apps list or somewhere in the settings e.g. battery saver, storage, etc.

7. Navigating in the store app is quite slow and laggy, specially when tapping the back button.

8. If you set a reminder through cortana and open the calendar app and tap on the reminder, you might get a black screen.
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I have Lumia 640LTE WIN 10. On my lock screen I had weather. After I changed background to my picture cant choose weather app. Only thing that I can choose is My picture ,Bing, Instagram and Health an fitness - no weather app on list. Is this known issue?

The W10M's Weather app does not work with the lock screen like in 8.1.
there seem to be so many issues even after a hard reset. I will list them:
1. Live tiles on Lumia 930 with .164 don't refresh themselves. I mean Cortana tile when you resize it stops updating, you have to reset for it to work. WindowsCentral live tile the same, I got the the same articles for the past day.
2. Apps show up even though they are uninstalled. Can't launch them, you can click uninstall as many times as you like, nothing happens. The entry will just stay there without an icon.
3. Apps show up in app list as pending even though they are installed (Lumia Motion Data).
4. Keyboard prediction/touch is crap compared to 8.1
5. Cortana news feed is smaller than the width of the screen (what's with the black stripes on the side?)
6. page tabs in Edge are huge (wtf?)
7. Browsing in store is slow (not because of internet connection) , going back and forth in store is a pain
8. Lock screen is quite sluggish when entering pin code.
9. Camera is rubbish (poor audio recording - mono in FullHD and stereo in 4k with a very low audio bitrate 160kbps).
10. Launching an app from the start screen sometimes goes to the app list.
11. No logo on the start screen when the view is minimized by the back button.
12. Flickering/double fake swap in Groove Music Action Center.
13. Lastly, resolution on the Lumia 930 seems to not be really full HD, the screen is smaller. You can easily test that by having tiles on whole screen without the need to scroll, you will see that you can actually scroll just a little making sometimes the live tiles overlapping the connection/clock/notify bar.

2. The workaround is to install them again and then uninstall. it worked for me. Just do it when you have time and wifi
3. Try a soft reset
4. In settings > privacy > speech, inking & typing > "turn on get to know me". It should help in making word flow better
5. Don't have cortana so I don't know about that. Do the black stripes appear in landscape view?
6. What do you mean by page tabs? Maybe a screenshot could help us help you?
7. It's a work in progress, you should have seen store 4 months ago, would take 10 minutes to load. Now at least its about 15 seconds
8. Mine is fast - maybe it's a matter of perspective
9. Check your store and download lumia camera and use that for taking photos. 160kbps is low? I thought 32kbps was low
10. This is usually the apps at the right side of the screen, right? It's a sensitivity issue, you'll get used to tapping slightly left. Also a work in progress
11. Known bug, they are working on it
12. Again a know bug, rectified in the redstone builds which are being tested by insiders in the fast ring
13.You can change display scaling setting to be bigger or smaller, and change how many tiles to fit on screen
Hey is it me or Cortana lost its offline capabilities like opening apps or calling a contact without mobile data turned on?
Hi All,
I upgraded to win10 M on my lumia 830. The upgrade went through fine.. no major problems uptill now.
However, I had the steps app set on my lock screen. I am not able to get is back again. Any help is appreciated.
I checked in the settings->Lock Screen and have chosen the Health and fitness app. Still the Steps data is not getting reflected.

Gotta restart device for glance and motion data to work properly after update, i'm using fitbit app though
Hey is it me or Cortana lost its offline capabilities like opening apps or calling a contact without mobile data turned on?

Yes, as advices in Update news, Cortana completely uses her cloud IA, not vocal commands built in phone as before
2. The workaround is to install them again and then uninstall. it worked for me. Just do it when you have time and wifi
2. You can't install again apps that were part of the firmware of a specific operator and now they are not available in the store.
3. Try a soft reset
3. Still there, I know the combo of keys for soft reset.
4. In settings > privacy > speech, inking & typing > "turn on get to know me". It should help in making word flow better
4. You serious? It's about the keyboard typing, when you touch the letter, not that option
5. Don't have cortana so I don't know about that. Do the black stripes appear in landscape view?
5. Why do you comment then?
6. What do you mean by page tabs? Maybe a screenshot could help us help you?
6. Again, why do you comment? You need a drawing for what a tab means?
7. It's a work in progress, you should have seen store 4 months ago, would take 10 minutes to load. Now at least its about 15 seconds
7. Work in progress for official release? C'mon wth, why are you commenting, are u a ******?
8. Mine is fast - maybe it's a matter of perspective
8. Perspective? It takes sometimes a half a second, you must blind not to see it. It's even in reviews on youtube.
9. Check your store and download lumia camera and use that for taking photos. 160kbps is low? I thought 32kbps was low
9. Do you have even a slight clue of what I am talking about? There is no 32kbps, there is 320kbps which is way higher.
10. This is usually the apps at the right side of the screen, right? It's a sensitivity issue, you'll get used to tapping slightly left. Also a work in progress
10. No, all tiles. Please stop posting, you are wrong on all points.
11. Known bug, they are working on it
Official release with known bug?
12. Again a know bug, rectified in the redstone builds which are being tested by insiders in the fast ring
Fast ring is not available to all phones only to Lumia shipped with W10. Are you a blind ******?
13.You can change display scaling setting to be bigger or smaller, and change how many tiles to fit on screen
13. I said ffs resolution, do you know what that means? not scaling.

no offense mate, but all your replies are not on point. you seem to comment just for the sake of it.
I will underline what you say wrong on all of them.
hi.... I upgraded my Lumia 730 from Win 8.1 to Win10M. everything was fine. Cortana was also working fine. but after I did the hard reset, Cortana has stopped working. I'm unable to give voice command or text command.. if i try to add a remainder manually the app shuts down.

Any one else facing the issue? I'm thinking about getting back to Win 8.1 and then upgrade again but never doing the hard reset.

Any suggestions??
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