Worst Movie You've Seen...Ever!

Unless you were there how do you know? Just about every culture has a story about the great flood in its history. Let's not go there.
I think you're mistaken what I meant with that post. It's a disgrace to Christians everywhere, making folly of the bible.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail. That whole movie was a big wtf for me. Considering the fact that I loved life of Brian
Oh, good thread.

I'll never get what is so good about Oceans 11. When I finally tried to see it, I found it soooo boring I gave up after 30 minutes.

And - I might make myself unpopular in here - anything from Mr. Tarantino unless he made a movie where nobody dies. It's like brutality not taken seriously and I will never understand what's so fun about that.

Some direct-to-SyFy movies, but some of those are so bad that they are fun. I remember one where glaciers spread all over the world, traveling several hundred kilometers per hour.

Dr. T and the woman. I love a nice, lighthearted chick flick (as a woman, I'm entitled to this), but I actually left the cinema. And I don't do that often as cinema tickets are very expensive where I live.

Oh - and I must be the only person that didn't like Avatar. Well done, but the badly portrayed protagonists and the so-so story killed it for me, and my high expectations didn't help.

I liked some of the movies that some of you hated, though. Harry Potter, the Hobbit, some chick flicks. Guess it's a matter of taste.
@luminatic, I have to agree with you on the entire Oceans series.

Avatar, was essentially a whole movie made outta plot hole.
I totally agree with you on Avatar. It looks like they spent 5 years on sfx, and then noticed they were missing a plot, so just did a futuristic Pocahontas. Plus, it's kind of cheesy, and everyone was expecting too much.
And I have to add Narnia 3. The first 2 weren't that bad, but the last one combined so many cliches, and the sfx were so bad, that what could have been a good film quickly became cringy to watch.
Let me add the last 2 Pirates of the Caribbean to this list, especially the 3rd one. Pure unadulterated money grab.

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How could I forget gone with the wind. The horror. I wanted to kill the main protagonists at the end, they got on my nerves so much.
The last time I watched a really bad movie was The Movie: Rocky Balboa. I'm huge fan of the Rocky movies. But this movie didn't do justice to the epic Rocky movie series. The antagonist or villain was played by an actor who showed stone face. No acting. The role itself was of such low screen presence it seemed as if it was forcefully added to the script just to glorify Rocky one Las time. The glorification too fell short. The movie is a joke and an insult to the immortal Rocky. It was clear the makers made the film desperately to make some cash from the legacy of the hugely successful Rocky series. Pathetic. Simply crap.
The last time I watched a really bad movie was The Movie: Rocky Balboa. I'm huge fan of the Rocky movies. But this movie didn't do justice to the epic Rocky movie series. The antagonist or villain was played by an actor who showed stone face. No acting. The role itself was of such low screen presence it seemed as if it was forcefully added to the script just to glorify Rocky one Las time. The glorification too fell short. The movie is a joke and an insult to the immortal Rocky. It was clear the makers made the film desperately to make some cash from the legacy of the hugely successful Rocky series. Pathetic. Simply crap.

I disagree.
Funny Farm starring Chevy Chase. The only movie I've ever walked out on.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The only movie I've seen over 1000 times.

Leonard Part 6 and Ghost Dad. Bill Cosby doesn't work on the big screen, unless it's a film of his standup. Simple as that.
I disagree.
What's your opinion then? The father son relationship tension between Rocky and his son that is shown in the first half suddenly resolves after Rocky lectures his son about not blaming others. And the son understands. He felt so embarrassed and suddenly he doesn't feel embarrassed by Rocky's last fight. If he was so understanding he would have been by Rocky's side long ago. And the main female character. She and her son was introduced into the film only to show the philanthropy side of Rocky and for her to tell Rocky fighters fight. Nothing else. The two characters are so vacant and irrelevant to the main theme of the film.

IIt's just a big disappointment.

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