Worst Movie You've Seen...Ever!

Twilight, omg my friends wanted me to watch it with them so I did...
I regret what I've done :P
"Hobbit" - it has to be, because i can't remember single scene after couple of months...seriously.
"Hobbit" - it has to be, because i can't remember single scene after couple of months...seriously.

The first one was mediocre. The second one was just hard to sit through. Niether has that sense of wonder of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy and both feel like a "in it for the paycheck" cash grab.

That being said, I am stupid enough to pay to see the last one this year. Man, I ain't very bright.
Worst movie I paid real money for was Alone in the Dark.

Also twilight, but there I went for my wife.
Netflix has so many good bad movies. Most of them are horrible knock offs of mainstream movies:

Atlantic Rim (wannabe Pacific Rim)
Da Vinci Treasure (wannabe Da Vinci Code)
Aliens vs Hunters (wannabe Aliens vs Predator)

My personal favorite: Eyeborgs (not too sure what its a knock off of...I think it just sucks)

I think all these movies have a $10 filming budget...combined.
That would be "The Hunger Games". Sorry folks, I know it's quite popular but I didn't like it at all.

EDIT: Lol, already nominated in this thread :D
Indeed. Don't know many people that have more style than Michael Caine. Those Batman movies are absolutely awesome.

“Will you be wanting the Bat Pod sir?”

“In the middle of the day, Alfred? Not very subtle.”

“The Lamborghini then…"

It has one of the best and sickest endings around, imho. Even Stephen King said so.

Wait,wait,wait...... :o

Sorry for off-topic-ness but I have to know please.
Is this "The Mist" by Stephen King in which the mist slowly comes and like gobbles everybody up according to the short story Stephen King wrote in "Skeleton Crew"? :o
And if yes,is it worth watching?

Please do tell me,if this is the same one,I do intend on watching it,huge fan of Stephen King's novels but admittedly,I haven't watched any of his movies,not even "The Shining"

Please do let me know and once again sorry for off-topicness!Just to eager to know and I don't think making a separate thread about it would be the most feasible option :p

I just watched Noah. What a terrible movie, there's so much wrong with it. This flick is packed with Christian "morality", in this movie presented as pure insanity. Noah is a psychopathic killer, the bad guy is more reasonable than this crazed lunatic. Actually, all of the characters in this movie are crazy, the son that wants to kill his father because a girl died he knew like 10 minutes (mostly because he was overly horny); the weak female characters that accept everything that comes to them, with at most speaking up slightly; Noah that wants to kill his grand children just... because* (and the female characters doing nothing about it), his oldest son who wants to protect these children, but can't because he's amazingly incompetent... damn, who the hell wrote this?

And it wasn't even that bad in the beginning, the movie is beautifully shot, I thought that it might be not too bad. Then they encounter some kind of trolls and an old wizard (yeah, there's magic in this movie), and from there it goes downhill. The animals are poorly animated (and excluded from the movie later anyway, probably due to cost), the story doesn't make much sense, the motivations of the characters are inexplicable. When Noah tells genesis, I was first surprised, they actually showed it in a very scientific way including evolution... until the point the humans appear magically, I guess somebody got nervous in the end.

The movie kills off thousands of innocent people whose only fault was doing the same thing all the actors in this flick are doing everyday. Eating meat, taking more resources than earth can provide in the long term. That's it.

Also, this movie is the greatest tale of incest ever.

...at least the movie promotes living vegan, what I find pretty funny (that the movie does it, not living vegan).

*We don't have do discuss this. I do understand very well what the movie was doing there. I just don't like it, nothing legitimates child murder.

It's a price of trash that isn't even close to what the story of Noah actually is.
It's a price of trash that isn't even close to what the story of Noah actually is.

Unless you were there how do you know? Just about every culture has a story about the great flood in its history. Let's not go there.
I'd say 'Cave of Forgotten Dreams' and 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy' are right up with with acclaimed movies that suck balls.

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