Worst Movie You've Seen...Ever!

All US remakes of good movies like oldboy, let the right one in, rec etc.
Carrie was very dissapointing too.
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I had heard that After Earth was bad but I was pleasantly surprised, I enjoyed it. Maybe low expectations worked in my favor.
Will Smith hasnt let me down other than watching six degrees of separation a little too early in my life. On that note imagined that the movie was going to be decent. I warned a friend to avoid it. she called to complain after not taking my suggestion to avoid it.
And David Spade is a better actor than that but he has made some stuff that should be on this list...

Yeah was a big fan of Just Shoot Me and Finch. Dunno why he signed up for Joe Dirt. The money couldn't have been worth the damage to his rep.
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Maybe ill be considered to be cheating here, but I just going to post this! Every single, Steven Segal movies ever conceived and probably the worst ever... Toxic avenger... It hurts me to admit that I ever watch this kind of movies.
Maybe ill be considered to be cheating here, but I just going to post this! Every single, Steven Segal movies ever conceived and probably the worst ever... Toxic avenger... It hurts me to admit that I ever watch this kind of movies.

I'll give him a pass for Under Siege 1, only because Gary Busey was a good villain. Every thing else was garbage. He might be a better singer than actor.

Posted Approved by Nexus 5
Technically, I could post most of Adam Sandler's movies here too.

Posted Approved by Nexus 5
Mine would of have to have been "Giant Piranha" on the "Syfy" channel. That movie was so bad we all found it hilarious.
The sequels to "Tremors" have been pretty bad!
(did someone already say these I forgot to read back thru)

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