Would You Get a Non-Black Phone?

Design is probably more important than colour to me, but I'd usually only ever go for a neutral colour (black, white, grey/silver) because with anything else you're immediately limiting what you can do with wallpapers and themes and when you'd be willing to use the phone. For example, cyan Lumia with red theme? Epilepsy trigger. Pull out a black Lumia 710 at a business meeting and it'll look classy. Pull out the white one with a bright red back and you'll look like you've borrowed your teenage kid's phone for the day.

Plus there's also the resale factor. Strongly coloured phones immediately narrow your market down to people who also like that colour, and so push your price down too. That's why eBay always has tons of pink phones for any model that offers the colour, and they're cheaper than the corresponding neutral ones.

Good design, timeless colour scheme. Always the way to go.
Pretty much anything but white. No clue why anyone would buy a white device. White just looks cheap.
I have always liked black phones. I used to own a blue Pantech Impact. But I could only use a blue wallpaper:mad:. Also on the iPod Touch (I know it isn't a phone but it could be) I absolutely hated the chrome back on it. It just collected fingerprints and I bought a case for it within a week of owning it.When I got my Focus S though I have decided to get a screen protector. Because I like the thin black exterior.
Have a white Radar - looks nice and sleek with the mixture of white and brushed aluminum. Would also with some colors, like blue or green
I have a Focus, which is all black, and I like that. But about half of the time, I have the phone in a bright orange case. I'd definitly own a phone that comes in something besides black. I don't really like white phones, but the colors on the Nokia phones looks good to me.
It's nicer to have the black theme flow onto the black face of the device. If I did get an iPhone or Android, I would probably be more open to different colours.

I think the way Nokia did the 800 was smart, I would definitely go for the cyan.
My Titan is sorta dark gray, so yeah. :)

I also want to get a cyan or pink Lumia 800 for the misses. The last phone I picked for her was the red LG Lotus Elite.
Cyan Lumia 800 for me as well. My current one is a Black/Gold Sony Ericsson Ray, i like that it stands out i bit from the crowd.

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What kind of question is this!?

Of course I would :P

Then again, apparently, this stuck up place I live seems to believe only females are allowed to buy white iPhones, lol.

I have a white iPhone 4S (personal line) with my grey Titan (work).
What kind of question is this!?

Of course I would :P

Then again, apparently, this stuck up place I live seems to believe only females are allowed to buy white iPhones, lol.

I have a white iPhone 4S (personal line) with my grey Titan (work).

If white phones were only for females, they'd have a mirror on the back.

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