What party? Not a single service is a complete answer. Far from it. Apple TV provides nothing like PSVue and the gaming is barely acceptable. PSVue (or the PlayStation) provides nothing like Apple TV. Or internet provider option or cable options are a mismatched mess. There are lots of streaming competitors but those are individual systems not completely integrated. Cases like Netflix and Hulu and others are additions to but, not like PSVue or what is being discussed. Google? I am not sure what they have that is a complete option. And the all important true game streaming is not part of anything. (PSNow is a joke, and Nvidia is expensive)
The party may have started but, barely. It is just 8 pm and only people there are the awkward people you know the ones that always arrive early and parents who have to get back home to their kids by 11. So a streaming device (that cool kid everyone wants to be) is not even at the party yet. There needs to be a system built around a great interface, including third-party options like Netflix, Hulu (AppleTV, Fire do that), but for cord cutters also provide the same services of PSVue, and most importantly provide a full streaming gaming ability (e.g. stream Halo without issues). Without integrating everything together you just hobbling multiple systems like always happens. I don't' want to have to buy and switch to different systems to get from one service to the next. Until that one system can provide it all in one box the party isn't over.