WP 7.8 on 710 for T-Mobile

Hey all, New here and new to windows phone. Just moved over from the dark ages of Blackberry.
Anyhow, after reading every post I could find on the subject, decided to try WP7.8. Well after messing with this all day I am discovering no matter what I do I am stuck at 7.5.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

Have you tried seveneighter?
SevenEighter: Want Windows Phone 7.8 now? Try this easy tool (Update: Now supports 8862!) - Windows Phone Hacker
how did you do this. help please
Not sure why you are getting that error. Did you install the support tool (WPSupportToolv2)? That cleared up an error I was having. Best of luck!

Re-visited this thread after I saw that 8860 and 8862 were released, updated...
OS version: 7.10.8862.144
Firmware version: 1600.3036.8853.12440

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