WP 8.1 Bugs and Defects

Don't know if a bug or issue or not but on both my icon running DP8.1 and my M8 I notice the live pic tile doesn't rotate very many pictures around, usually about a dozen. This no matter I have "all" checked in picture live tile settings or not. Is this normal? It seems "all" should be "all", or at least more than 12 or less even. Anyone else notice this?
Re: Bugs and Defects

When on the light theme, the store (main page) is still dark. The settings page, however, has adapted to the theme. The same goes for picture hub. I'm extremely surprised MS have left this out. And if it isn't a bug, I wonder what the idea behind this design was. I'm not sure if this is WP8.1 specific though
Sometimes when I'm connected to VPN on my phone, when I move from WiFi to cellular, it will get stuck and not being able to connect to my VPN and lock up my phone. It used to be a lot worse before the latest WP8.1 dev preview update but now it's better. Just locks up a bit less. Almost there Microsoft... And if anyone is curious, I'm using Torguard. Anyone have this issue with VPN reconnecting and locking up your phone?
Re: Bugs and Defects

Had my first phone crash. Using IE 11 on the phone I went to paltalk and tapped the sign in button, phone restarted, oh dear. This is repeatable. So tried the Maxathon browser app, crashed the app back to the start screen. Tried the opera beta and that works ok. So I now have 3 browsers on my phone.

Do crashes get reported back to the OS developers like they do in Windows 8.1 for PC?

I have notice that I can no longer get to Extras+info any more. Has anyone else discovered this issue?

sent from my Lumia 1320wp
using Tapatalk.
Re: Bugs and Defects

I'm new to the forum.

WTF is with the clock!? It's connstantly off by 30 to 50 seconds. Regardless being set to auto or manual update! Shame on you Microsoft! Android has correct clock!

Lumia 620 firmware: 3058.50000.1425.0004
Oper. system: 8.10.12393.890

P.s. is it possible to set screenlock with bing weather, but with Bing lock screen images, not the weather one?
Sry for bad English:)
1020 here, have issue with the softkeys. They only turn off while using it outside in direct sunlight. Used to use the battery saver trick, that doesn't work after this last critical update either. Put a piece of electrical tape over them. Fits perfect, solved the issue lol I mean seriously the bezel is larger on the bottom, and after using the phone for 2 minutes you remember what's where. Do miss the minimalist softkeys from the webOS days lol
Ok, so I can't tell you how many times this has ****ed me over but:

Lets go back to WP 8.0. There was one volume control. all your apps and your music share the same volume. Meanwhile Android has had independent volume control for the last 4 years. 8.1 comes out, OMG now you have..... just 2 volume controls. So you can adjust your music separately from all your apps, but this means that if you use your phone as an alarm, you still have emails, texts, and all other notifications coming through the same volume as your alarm.

So I guess the defect is that Microsoft is incapable of hiring people with good ideas. They're too busy bringing us useless features like cortana when instead they should be offering features that actually matter.

Yeah, can't wait for my contract to be up so I can go get a nexus and an operating system not designed by corporate thugs. I've been using a 4-year-old android just because it has the XIM manager app (not on windows, what a surprise) and this phone has way more functionality and features than this windows piece of junk. It's a shame because these phones pack amazing hardware, but the people that make the software are complete morons.

anyone got a fix for this defect, lol?
BUG: Emails are no longer coloured as unread when viewed in the history pivot of a contact.

I pin important contacts in a group on my start screen. I get the live tile notifications to say there are new messages, but when you click through to the contact, there is no way to tell which mails are unread as none of the emails are marked with the theme colour to indicate they are unread. This has only started after updating to 8.1 Update 1.

In the mail box itself, the mails highlight correctly, but in there they aren't filtered by contact.
L920 Hot issues: I also have the occasional heating up (and battery drain) issues that others are reporting on their Lumia 920 with 8.1 GDR1 - even when I'm not using it. Battery saver doesn't seem to give a clue as to why either.
With latest update the battery drains crazy
Issues with the mic while on speaker, recording audio/video, speech, etc.. It doesn't hear anything. Only on call (non speaker) with headset, Bluetooth or such.
Visual bugs on start screen, sometimes tiles go empty while scrolling.
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Hi all,

I'm a new user currently using Lumia 830,

I want to know why there's no list of installed apps, I open store->my apps but there's nothing there?

Is this a bug in store? is there anyway to fix this?

When I open store->my apps I get "The Microsoft account service is unavailable right now" message...
Hi guys, what's going on here. I have lumia 1520. I can not install these applications. If I cancel, a few days later reappear with the same problem.

On a Lumia 930 - Twitter won't show up on individual contacts. Have tried unconnecting and reconnecting twitter to the phone. It shows up in people hub, but individual contacts doesn't give the option to display (so therefore not showing twitter updates on pinned contact live tiles).
Messages Media Content Sprint 8xt. Store said its an update bug, working on it. Needed to change network SIM to CDMA
14219 update has caused my notification centre to stop working. The quick action options have gone blank.
How long since u updated? It usually happens for a few minutes after update. If it don't show even after 5 mins then u shld try a soft reset and see.

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