WP 8.1 Bugs and Defects

Re: Bugs and Defects

same here... but there are days the battery is ok... don't know what is going on here
...is it just me, or is Outlook on WP 8.1 now only allowing you to view 'Sent' items for the last 30 days, no matter what your setting are??
Windows phone should have a 3g lock setting,I am from India, here in my phone network always switch between 3g and 2g when using data connection, windows phone in many Asian countries this problem, it's a prime missing feature for is
I have had a lot of issues after updating to cyan....i was facing a lot of issues....after that some one suggested to flash the phone using NSRT. This has worked for me.
After upgrading to cyan my phone does not connect to my windows 8 PC via usb cable...How am i going to use NSRT:(
After upgrading to cyan my phone does not connect to my windows 8 PC via usb cable...How am i going to use NSRT:(
Even if Windows doesn't recognize it that doesn't mean NSRT won't be able to. Not saying it will because it might be FUBARed but its still worth trying. Also, try a LOT of times if NSRT doesn't see it the first time, I had a 1520 that NSRT failed to recognize the first 8 times I tried despite Windows having no problem seeing it or accessing the phone's storage.
Light QR codes in dark backgrounds are not recognisable, I tested with many colour combinations and only when I used a dark QR in a light background that it's recognised. I'm with a Lumia 630, anyone else has this problem?
Nokia Lumia 820 with 8.1 AT&T

Two bugs:

1) If I have text messages backup turned on, phone will not get email from my hotmail account and returns error code 80c805e2

2) If I try to navigate to most bing pages using IE it hangs. I think it's supposed to switch to Cortana or Search, but it never makes it there.
I had HTC 8s . Latest dev update . Last one 24th October.
Anyways , when,I press data sense.
Then temporary data . It's always gives zero .
Both ext memory + internal one .
But when,I press to clean it's delete .,and working fine . But still with zero digit.
No counting.
Hope someone also realized that.
Thanks to all.
Lumia 520 on Windows Phone 8.1 Update

Not sure if it is a bug or not but Facebook Syncing will stop on the following situations: when the screen timeouts, switching apps and locking the screen. I'm not really sure if it is really part of the Facebook app "feature" but it is really inconvenient, so maybe I'll call it as a defect on the Windows 8.1 part. Since the phone is supposed to be capable of multi-tasking, switching through apps must not disrupt the process of another app.

Also there is no "NEVER" to the screen timeout option in Nokia Lumia 520.

And another thing. The turning off of wifi, why is it two-steps and not just one-step -_-
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I'm experiencing issues with the Data Sense live tile. Haven't set a limit, so it gives me data used in the last 30 days. Wi-Fi data changed from 5GB to 4.4GB, but live tile is still showing 5GB. Opening the app should have refreshed the tile, but the tile info still hasn't changed.
not sure if someone has mentioned it,but there are no notifications from 6snap.
It is allowed to work in background,but it is not in the "notifications+actions" menu
Even if Windows doesn't recognize it that doesn't mean NSRT won't be able to. Not saying it will because it might be FUBARed but its still worth trying. Also, try a LOT of times if NSRT doesn't see it the first time, I had a 1520 that NSRT failed to recognize the first 8 times I tried despite Windows having no problem seeing it or accessing the phone's storage.
I have been trying since 10 days now. still no luck :crying:
Was updated yesterday to 8.10.14192.280/firmware 3051.50009.1425.2001. I am on developer preview with a Lumia 1020 unlocked from ATT on TMobile. So now that I've been updated I can't send text with media. It keeps telling me it can't send and to try again. Anybody else have this problem. Also my apn and mmsc(url) have not changed since the upgrade.
After this error my many applications like WhatsApp viber and other seeded apps like network+ and many apps were crashing
- I am on lumia720
App shows installed in the store but when you press view, or when try to find in the list it is nowhere to be found.
I have the nokia 830 and i noticed something that I do not understand about office 365. I have office 365 home account. I have in the settings of the phone my MS account established. Now, when I go to the MS Office app there is a place called "Office 365" (see picture) and, when i click this, then an option pops up for "set up account." I then enter my MS information and then I get this error message, "We encountered a problem and couldn't compete this task." What does this mean? I called MS and out of the 5 reps I called 1 didn't know, 2 told me I need a "business" 365 account, but then 2 other reps said for the phone Office 365 that both the Home or Business accounts give the same benefits. I do not understand. I am able to open up documents and create them, but then why have this "set up" section. What is it, and what does it do?
Thanks for the help.


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