WP 8.1 Bugs and Defects

Re: Bugs and Defects

A Few things I want to report that are some Bugs/minor changes that I believe should be made.

1. Bing wallpaper lock screen does NOT update properly. It is almost always a day behind.
2. Facebook app has a TON of problems (maybe not the correct fourm but please let me know so I am not talking about things that don't belong here.
3. The wifi/Bluetooth/ ther settings in the pull down menu...When you single press it should toggle. When you press and hold it should open the settings for that item.
4. When connecting to Bluetooth. There is now way to tell the device to only connect with voice or media. It forces you to use both. For example. My car supports both voice and media. BUT I only want media because I use a Bluetooth headset and my cars voice sucks. But there is no way to tell my nokia 1520 to ONLY connect with media.
5. When you clear the messages out from the toast bar..It should automatically roll back up (minor)?

Anyone have answers to these questions?
Don't really know if it is the 8.1 or the app, but i don't get background notifications from Facebooks Messenger app anymore. I can't even allow it in the background, there's no option for it.
I even did a hard reset on my phone but it's the same... Using a Nokia Lumia 920 with latest updates

Any ideas why? :)
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I've posted it in an other topic. I had camera and battery problems and a month a go I dit a hard reset (don't like to do so) and from then on I didn't had any problems anymore. I have a lumia 925
Okay guys, i have no idea but i think it MIGHT be something with your lockscreens to do with. Glance or Live Lockscreen beta, dunno. All suddenly both my Messenger AND my WhatsApp starting to notify me whenever i get something! I really hopes it stays like this thou :3
October 13, 2014

Help - Map Navigation on NL 920 WP 8.1 No Longer Working ? ? ? (From CALENDAR & APPOINTMENTS)

Until ~ two weeks ago it was possible when viewing a contact to tap on "Show Address In Maps" and be taken directly to a (Microsoft?) map showing that address.

- Likewise it was possible when viewing an appointment to tap on the address shown in the appointment and be taken directly to that address on a map.

- It was then possible to tap on the address on the map to open "Here drive +", (or google maps) for full step by step driving directions and navigation.

Starting about two weeks ago (I think after some updates) these features no longer work. Instead the first map program (Microsoft maps?) returns "No results found"

I've not been able to find any hint of the problem, nor any hint to solutions on WPCentral, Microsoft or Nokia forums.

Note: - My Nokia Lumia 920 is on 1.0.202184.3, NOT Developer Preview.

- Using variants of the address does not help at all.

- Searching for the address in either Nokia / Here Drive +, or Nokia / Here Maps does work, but this is multiple key strokes more than the old "Just tap on the address" in either contacts or appointments.

- By the way, my contacts and e-mail are via Outlook on exchange server, (NOT outlook.com).

For me, this is a terrible loss of functionality. Has anyone else had this problem? How about a solution?????

Thanks, Art
Re: Bugs and Defects

Since the update to wp 8.1 the music player gives a "crack" on the end of each song.
It's really anoying when having it on speaker and playing music. This happens on each transition from number to next number
I'm not sure if it's a crack or if it's less than halve a second of sound of the song that just played, but something seems to go wrong.

Anyone else having this issue?

For people thinking the music only plays on alphabetical order, swipe to collection and choose 'album' instead of artist. Then the albums show up and you can play an album in it's original order.
Ditto. Also I am getting tired of IE constantly crashing while simply scrolling a page. I am running latest versions of 8.1.1 PfD on L620 Cyan.
Not a bug per se, but a change/feature/option that I'd like to see implemented is the ability to overrule the current setting and enable downloading large-size maps over your cellular network. I understand why they don't allow it, and perhaps I'm in the minority, but due to my living situation and geographical location, I have no easy access to wifi and have a 50GB (now 100GB after that promotion) AT&T Mobile Share Value plan so I can access internet via my phone on my pc. In other words, my cellular connection IS my wifi network, and I have plenty of data available for the download, but the phone simply won't allow it. It would be nice if they add a setting where you can overrule this setting, even if they have to put a bunch of "are you sure" pop ups with it.
Sorry for another immediate post but this is another separate issue I've been having, though I've only noticed this happening since last week or so. I will be listening to music on my phone, with headphones, and for no reason the song will simply pause. My headphones are plugged in securely, and it happens both when my phone is locked and unlocked so it's not that I keep accidentally pressing something. But it will happen for seemingly no reason at all and has occurred multiple times during one song sometimes. It makes no sense at all. Does anyone have any idea what this is or how I can fix it?
Frequently when my WP8.1 Lumia 1020 disconnects from my Bluetooth car-speakerphone the phone's audio stops working. It appears to be back on 'regular' audio settings but there is no sound. A soft-reset is required to fix it.
Re: Bugs and Defects

I think I may have experienced that one this past week. I was shooting some video of a ceremony at a school. When the person I wanted to video was about to walk across the stage, I pressed the start button. Later, when I went to watch the video, the person's name had already been announced (I wasn't caught on the video), so I estimate the video started about 5 seconds after I pushed the button.

I'm running 8.1 Cyan with DP and Update 1.
Re: Bugs and Defects

A Few things I want to report that are some Bugs/minor changes that I believe should be made.

1. Bing wallpaper lock screen does NOT update properly. It is almost always a day behind.
2. Facebook app has a TON of problems (maybe not the correct fourm but please let me know so I am not talking about things that don't belong here.
3. The wifi/Bluetooth/ ther settings in the pull down menu...When you single press it should toggle. When you press and hold it should open the settings for that item.
4. When connecting to Bluetooth. There is now way to tell the device to only connect with voice or media. It forces you to use both. For example. My car supports both voice and media. BUT I only want media because I use a Bluetooth headset and my cars voice sucks. But there is no way to tell my nokia 1520 to ONLY connect with media.
5. When you clear the messages out from the toast bar..It should automatically roll back up (minor)?

Anyone have answers to these questions?

I've had the bing lock screen issue since day one of WP8.0. Never been fixed. It happens on all my phones so I'm curious if it's a problem with my account and that's how WP decides what photo to show me (All my region settings and accurate for the US). It appears to use New Zealand or Australia or some other country as my lock screen sometimes as those images get updated almost a day sooner than the US and are sometimes different, which is the case with my lock screen sometimes (it differs from what bing.com shows)
Update received to O2 930 last night. It appears that it has introduced a bug in that when I make a call through Contacts, the screen goes blank. This doesn't happen when making a call by first going through the phone app.

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