WP 8.1 Bugs and Defects

My Camera has refused to start since the day I updated to 8.1.1 DP, I was hoping that Cyan will fix the issue, but looks like even that one has not fixed it. Anyone facing the same issue? Any fix?
Mine lumia520 with the preview for developers ,updated yesterday to get cyan update.as It is updated but seems my extra +info in setting not working properly.. Open then close immediately... What should I do?
The volume on my 920 spontaneously goes to max sometimes all by itself. It does it both in standby and when I'm actively using it. Sometimes I can get it to quit by using the volume button and other times I have to either use the slider or even power off the phone to get it to quit.

I am on DP, and it started this about 5 days ago, before I got Cyan. I installed Cyan Wednesday, and hoped it would stop, but it is still doing it. It happens 2 or 3 times per day. I can't seem to tie it to any particular app that I'm running at the time. Sometimes I'm not even listening to anything, but the volume control pops up at the top of the screen and won't go away. If you turn the volume down, it immediately goes right back up to the max.

It appears to affect both the ringer and app volume.
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Tapatalk
Internet explorer crashes now and again, while watching videos on youtube when finished watching I scroll the page up and the display splits in to slightly, then phone freezes and cant do anything with it, lock button locks the screen but she pressed again it brings up almost like a fuzzy grey test screen, only fix ive got for it is to remove the battery and power back on, I'm using L820, anybody else got this problem or know of a fix for it.
i found an bug which is horrible

i am from Chile so should choose as region Chile and Microsoft still thinking that in south America we speak like the mexicans, just appear spanish Mexico and to me is very uncomfortable in fact my set up with 8.0 were Spanish -Spain just they need to let me choose what kind of spanish layout want use because even by law the audio visual material imported to Chile must be either in Spanish Neutral or Spanish Spain even in the microsoft page of nokia devices they redirect me to an website which is es-es (Espa?ol, Espa?a) spanish spain , just am annoyed with the set up if cortana in spanish Chile will talk like mexican no way would prefer set in spanish spain also the curious is the following the applications which are in Spanish Spain shows up with an # symbol like # Nivel or # lista de la compra when was without the # symbol and just at least should ask me do you prefer the spanish mexico or spanish spain for your phone instead of assume that we speak as mexicans, also in the english USA layout when get an SMS and have the read louder always the messages just now do not even speak or ask if read the message even


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Updated to WP8.1 on my L920 and honestly haven't had any issues with it. The only thing I would confess is that I hope whatsapp is updated to work better on 8.1 as it drains the battery ridiculously fast!!

What people should note is that all of the Nokia Lumias from L520-1520 were built for WP8.0, not WP8.1 so right now we're being given a bonus by it being allowed to be put on our devices from L520-1520. WP8.0 was optimized for those devices so we will experience issues here and there and we were just given a taste of what to look forward to when we upgrade from what we have to future devices built to run WP8.1 + GDR1/2.
i have some issues with nokia camera and smartcam also with blink ,the photos that taken before with nokia smart cam on wp 8.0 can no edit now :( . also i miss a lot the message hub is comfy and can open fb chat without use messenger ,now has dissapeared it also i no like the idea of that now can not read a voice the text messages that function is very good and help when you are with the hands busy or away from the phone .now does not exist anymore on 8,1 .is true has improved many things but has lost many essentials features that makes of wp unique as OS.is a pity that
Re: Bugs and Defects

Backup doesn't seem to work any more. Not sure if this has to deal with this update or not but I got a message today saying it hadn't backed up so I tried to do so and it had an error at 98%
The same here. L925 running official WP8.1 distro. I tried to remove old backups and still does not work. Please, fix it in the update 1.
Just installed Cyan on my AT&T L920, when I go into Battery Saver, Internet Explorer "App in background" usage is full. I am not sure why it would be that way, also, a few other apps, including Hotmail, Messaging, WPCentral and People have quite a bit of background usage. I have done a soft reset a few times, it goes away for a bit, but comes back. Anybody else have this problem? I can post a screen shot if need be
The same issue - L925 running official WP8.1 distro. It always starts once I use wifi. Even if I turn wifi off IE still drains the batter in idle. Soft reset usually helps. I believe it is not IE that drains the batter but some other process that is wrongly identified as IE in background. Needless to say, when the phone is in this strange state - it lasts max 5-6 hrs in idle!

I am really disapointed with WP8.1. Backup does not work, it seems that witfi does not work properly as well:(
I have a L920. I do not have the developer preview. I updated to Cyan/8.1 and everything was working fine. However, for the past 5 days my battery has been draining very fast. For example, it goes from 100% to almost 60% in an hour. I have to keep it constantly charged, or it will completely drain within 3 hours. I have checked battery saver, but no app is being used much, and many are disabled from running in the background. I have also done 2 soft resets, but to no avail.

I have not installed anything on my phone in quite a while. So, I know the culprit has to be the cyan/8.1 update. Does anyone have any suggestions for fixing this problem?
I think I have the same issue. Try to not use wifi. It seems it starts when I try to use a wifi. Even if I turn it off, the issue is back.
Internet explorer just vanishing and terminates as I'm scrolling down a page?? Anyone else having this error?
I'm having an issue with messaging sounds being as loud as the headphone phone volume rather than as loud as the notification volume. I turn off notification sounds and they still happen.
Running Windows 8.1 Cyan on a Lumia 920.
Having several issues since updating to Cyan.
1) Phone is constantly resetting itself. An app will hang and the hardware buttons stop responding, then the whole phone just reboots.
2) Sometimes my phone just loses all connectivity. I'll be using apps and my Wireless Data (vs. using WiFi) and nothing connects. I have to reset my phone to get it back, sometimes twice!
3) When I unlock my phone, I see "Resuming..." display for a couple of seconds before I can see the start screen.
4) When I scroll down on the start screen, the screen stutters occasionally. When it finally scrolls down, all of my tiles are blank with no titles or app icons.

I don't know if these issues are caused by the Cyan update, or if my 920's just now beginning to give up?
I noticed one Live Tile bug in 8.1 but never encountered in the prev 8.0.

Whenever I'm at my home screen, or returning to it from any app/game.. all the live tiles (Me, people, pictures, etc) animate as usual but for only 40 seconds before they return to their starting frame and freezes completely. I set my screen timeout to 1min, and further longer, same thing happened.
I have had a lot of issues after updating to cyan....i was facing a lot of issues....after that some one suggested to flash the phone using NSRT. This has worked for me.
I just updated by Nokia 520 phone to W8.1 a few days ago. Since yesterday, I find that my ringer is not working, even though the ringer volume is set on high (10/10). It is not working for any type of notification or phone calls. The vibrate function does work though.

To fix this, I restarted the phone. The ringer started working, but only temporarily. After a while, it stopped working again. I have done this multiple times by now. I cannot keep restarting my phone again and again. I have also turned off Flip to Silence.

I have heard that resetting may probably solve the problem. But I'm not keen on resetting the phone without knowing that the problem will be fixed on doing so.

Thanks for your help.
Are fixes coming anytime soon for the podcast app (does not even open) and the music app (plays songs in alphabetical order instead of album order)?
I have a problem with keyboard: when i press spacebar it needs to hide and re-open keyboard to write a new word. Is there a solution?
Good morning,

This is my first post/question here. I did run a quick search and could not find a similar case reported. Maybe I didn't use the "right" keywords, but anyway...

So I recently upgraded to WP8.1 on my Ativ S, and one thing I noticed now is that some websites seem to be able to launch the App Marketplace and direct me towards certain apps...

Specifically, I tend to browse a lot of famous gaming-related websites, such as Eurogamer.net, and almost everytime I open that website now, after a few seconds the page seems to redirect me to one of those tracking websites which in turn launches the App Marketplace, and in the search field, it shows "psafe", which ends up displaying a couple of really low quality games (a bus simulator and a taxi simulator IIRC).

Is anyone else experiencing a similar issue? Any ideas on how to get rid of it? I try to browse in the safest possible ways and don't download a whole lot of lesser-known apps, so I dunno what could be causing this...

I appreciate any help in advance!

P.S.: I tried creating a specific thread for this, but kept getting a "invalid page, contact the administrator if you followed a valid link" error message.

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