Silent mode unavailabe after updating to 8.1,earlier we used to get an option to turn off ringer bit that option is not available anymore
Is anyone having an issue with using the desktop version of YouTube after updating to GDR1? Before, if I set ie11 to desktop, I was able to watch videos on the desktop version of YouTube as if I were on my PC. Now however, I keep getting an error message in the video player box that says "sorry this video is not available for this device", when ie11 is even set to render as a desktop. Before the update I would only get this error message if I had ie set to render as mobile but selected the desktop experience in the YouTube settings. Please help
Spontaneous reboots here, 3x already. Screen turns black and reboots
Sent from my Lumia 820
I had the same issue on the first dev preview before official cyan, i had to delete the backup for apps + settings (manage backups) then backup again, this worked and I did not loose anything.I'm running WP8.1 DP GDR1 on L625 with Lumia Black. Before GDR1 my backup always showed that it was experiencing issues with backup and it sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. Well I don't know how much of a bug is it, but the update didn't solve anything. Having same problems backing up.