WP Win!!

Bottom line: Why have a V-8 when a Four-banger will do? Think of the WP as the Prius of cell phones. Dual-core/Quad-core...sounds good, but the reality is: Is the Droid OS so inefficient that it needs all that horsepower to run? It seems with every update you need more and more processing power and hence new equipment to run it. Conversely, is Win7 mobile so efficient that all it needs is a simple single core w/ 512mg of ram?
Quick question. How did an OP celebrating a killer feature turn into "TASTES GREAT! LESS FILLINg!" conversation about single vs dual core processors?

Mangos taste better than apples!
Bottom line: Why have a V-8 when a Four-banger will do? Think of the WP as the Prius of cell phones. Dual-core/Quad-core...sounds good, but the reality is: Is the Droid OS so inefficient that it needs all that horsepower to run? It seems with every update you need more and more processing power and hence new equipment to run it. Conversely, is Win7 mobile so efficient that all it needs is a simple single core w/ 512mg of ram?

Exactly. Great points. And yes, RIGHT NOW that's all WP7 really needs.

A good analogy with the motor's as well is that a V8 uses more gas than an I4. AKA more powerful engine uses more gas. Just like higher CPU speeds and dual-core uses more battery.

Sure, your big ol truck might have a larger gas tank (bigger battery) so it may give the illusion of having the same total miles per tank (battery life), but you are still using more gas (Power consumption).
Faster clock doesn't ALWAYS waste more battery power. Take my laptop for example. It had a C2D 1.6GHz and while taking notes in class the fans would come on every few minutes for about 30 seconds and then cut off. Not too bad, I got about 2.5-3 hours to a charge. The processor would almost never leave idle speed of 1GHz during this time.

I then upgraded to a C2D 2.16GHz and I can take notes the entire class with the fans not coming on even once. The 2.16 idles at 1GHz much easier than the 1.66 did. It even has a lower dissipation rating than the 1.66 did and I've now got about 3.5 hours on a charge for that battery now. Not to mention double the cache.

You raise excellent points about clock speed and I believe the situation I brought up is an exception. A P4M-1.5 will probably last twice what a P4M-2.2 does on the same battery.

Oh, and V8s are fun. :) At least, that's why I drive one.
Faster clock doesn't ALWAYS waste more battery power. Take my laptop for example. It had a C2D 1.6GHz and while taking notes in class the fans would come on every few minutes for about 30 seconds and then cut off. Not too bad, I got about 2.5-3 hours to a charge. The processor would almost never leave idle speed of 1GHz during this time.

I then upgraded to a C2D 2.16GHz and I can take notes the entire class with the fans not coming on even once. The 2.16 idles at 1GHz much easier than the 1.66 did. It even has a lower dissipation rating than the 1.66 did and I've now got about 3.5 hours on a charge for that battery now. Not to mention double the cache.

You raise excellent points about clock speed and I believe the situation I brought up is an exception. A P4M-1.5 will probably last twice what a P4M-2.2 does on the same battery.

Oh, and V8s are fun. :) At least, that's why I drive one.

That's my point. Personal experience doesn't change what facts are. Yes, its possible to have a more powerful CPU and it won't drain the battery as fast. But battery drain and power consumption are two completely different things.

I am glad you see the difference!
The SkyDrive and office functionality have come in handy for me many times. Save something I'm working on to SkyDrive, download it to my phone while walking to the train, finish composing the doc on the train, upload back to SkyDrive to have available on my PCs by the time I reach my destination.

I do wish there was a way to access synced storage and that Office was more full-featured. Even also, the current combo is very helpful for productivity on the go.

Sent from my Samsung Focus using Board Express
I had a very similar win last Wednesday. A friend of mine needed me to grammer check his essay for school. I was already between work and home. I pulled over into a gas station, reviewed his assignment, and sent it back for him to revise. This was all done very quickly, and without having to run a bunch of apps.
Quick question. How did an OP celebrating a killer feature turn into "TASTES GREAT! LESS FILLINg!" conversation about single vs dual core processors?

Mangos taste better than apples!

Wait until you figure out why car analogies rock for the computer world :P
now i understand why you had to open another thread purely for core battles :P

now back on topic, the news in Taiwan gave a very positive tone to Nokia and Windows Phone launch today :D, i think thats worth celebrating, no? at least from the forums there, it seem there is much less hostility toward windowsphone,

now... should i order that phone that helped me convince my sister yesterday to switch to wp7 with :P
Hey, I had a great experience with WP using Office! SCREW YOU DUAL CORE IS BETTER!!! Definitely linear path, makes perfect sense.

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