WP7 ads all over the TV


New member
Feb 28, 2011
This past week I have been seeing more and more WP7 ads. Most of them the "Windows Family" commercials. Tonight during Terra Nova I saw four ads (which must be a record). Three of them were for the Focus Flash on AT&T and the fourth was for the HTC Radar on T-Mobile.

Great to see all the ads out there and hopefully converting people from the Walls of Apps to Mango goodness.
Yeah, I'm seeing like three a day, and I don't watch much tv. Good job to all that was involved.
I don't have cable, I use Hulu Plus. We have been seeing HTC adds for the Radar and for no other HTC phones.
This past week I have been seeing more and more WP7 ads. Most of them the "Windows Family" commercials. Tonight during Terra Nova I saw four ads (which must be a record). Three of them were for the Focus Flash on AT&T and the fourth was for the HTC Radar on T-Mobile.

Great to see all the ads out there and hopefully converting people from the Walls of Apps to Mango goodness.

I saw does to while TERRA NOVA as well :D:D hehe awsome show :P was first tiem i saw adds for HTC and samsung WP.

i allso see like 5 MS adds for the ECOSYSTEM every freaking HOUR!!!! (Xbox+PC+WP ) *windows famally*
I normally DVR Terra Nova. I watched last week's episode and fast forwarded through the commercials. But ended up stopping mid-commercial because I saw the tiles!
The recent push is great to see, but the various fan ads still kick ash on the ones on TV. Is anyone in mktg paying attention?
I'm starting to feel a little bit better about WP7 now that I'm seeing some real advertising going on. I've even seen a couple that were not phone specific, I think, I really was only half watching them at the time. But the point is, they are finally starting to open up to the market. Now we just need to get more models out there for people to see, feel and play with. The hardware is limited in number, but hopefully that will also change in the coming months.
I also saw about 2 last night during Monday Night Football. Saw the Samsung Flash commercial, then saw the Radar commercial. I was pretty psyched when it came on and so was my friend, whom I let played with my Focus for a bit, even though he has an Android phone.

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