WP7 and Ford Sync?

I hoping for some clarification after reading through this thread:

Is it true that SYNC will not allow me to control music playback on my WP7 device (LG Quantum) using voice control?

Does music playback ONLY work via bluetooth streaming? If so, is the audio quality any good? I've tried some other bluetooth audio streaming options, and the sound quality is really poor.

Will SYNC read my text messages? Can I dictate a text message?

Are any of these issues know to be addressed in the forthcoming Mango update?

The only thing I know is that with my (Samsung) Focus, Sync read my text messages just fine.

I only know that because that was the only thing I tried with it.

I couldn't get Sync to playback any media, but I really didn't try all that hard and didn't have enough time with the car to really work it out.
I'll be specific for myself and then you can figure out the rest from there. I have the HTC Arrive with the Mango beta, and not just SYNC but the MyFord Touch which is a "more advanced" version of SYNC I think (it might just be an extra GUI and underlying SYNC is the same). I've seen people that say pre-Mango works fine, I think at one point in the past both the phones and SYNC needed to be updated to work together.

*For me yes it does read texts and I can dictate back.
*I do stream audio over bluetooth and for me it sounds great (10 speakers) but I'm no professed audiophile.
*I also have an 8GB USB drive that I never unplug that is filled with music (and a few wallpapers) that is always there as a music choice.
*Whatever I do on my phone reflects on the stereo and vice versa. If I hit forward/back track the stereo goes back and forth. Pause, volume, etc., all work from the phone so you can control everything from the device if you want with very minor lag (in my case though maybe size of library matters). This video might help (BT/USB works the same):

‪2012 Ford Focus: Bluetooth Streaming Audio‬‏ - YouTube
I got my HTC HD7 to sync up with a 2009 Mercedes 350 via Mango beta 2!!! Works like a charm!!! I have been enjoying my drives into work for about two weeks now.

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