Wp7 notification light integration?


New member
Jun 21, 2011
Would anyone else like to see RTM's integrate the Blackberry style notification light into WP7 handsets? I love the feature and find it extremely handy, but I'm curious to hear what you guys think.
I would love it also. Overall the notifications on WP7 aren't near as good as Android. They are better than iPhone for now.

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Would love for that feature to be added on to my WP7 device. I miss my Nokia for that single feature!
Would love for that feature to be added on to my WP7 device. I miss my Nokia for that single feature!
Yup. Ditto.

Considering the natural enterprise alignment of WP7, kinda surprising they neglected LED notification.
I hope that in the next generation of WP7 hardware, we start seeing some notification lights. It's not a very hard thing to integrate, but it makes a huge difference for the user.
I would love to have it as an option but I wouldn't like it to be forced on all the time. The blinking lights can get annoying at times.
I'm fine without it. Every time I change phones I give up features for others. When I first got my BlackBerry I was annoyed I couldn't enable my phone to beep every 5 minutes when I got a new text or voicemail (like I did with my Razr). Eventually your usage changes and it doesn't become an issue.
Coming from a Blackberry, this is one of the biggest things I miss. Is knowing that you have a notification without having to look at your phone. I would love to see this implemented, but I doubt we'll see it through.
Oh yeah - when I first started up my WP7 and heard an incoming text sound, but didn't see an indicator I was pretty surprised. Every phone I've had in the past has had an indicator so it threw me off a little bit. It's cool not being bombarded with blinking lights when you haven't checked your phone, but there's definitely times it'd be nice to know when you have a new message without having to wake the phone. Interested to see if companies will implement this into future WP7 phones.
A great feature on my N900, They should just choose the charging light on the Mozart for it.
my hd7 has a notification light, it flashes green when i miss a call or a text, and it is orange when my battery is low, and red when my battery is dead

would like to customize it a little more
it could be cool , but i tend to Feel my phone vibrate or hear it ring.. lucky im not deaf or i dont have: Hereditary Sensory Autonomic Neuropathy. ( disease preventing you from feeling *your phone vibrate* )

and its in my pocket , so the light wouldn’t really help... personally i dont care much for it.
Didn't a Mozart user said the LED changed colors when he had a Notification?

Havn't noticed any of this, but I'm about to check the settings right now.

Edit: Only if you have missed a call it notifies you, but as I never get called anyway, it doesn't really have any use for me.

I'd love it to work for text messages and IM+
it could be cool , but i tend to Feel my phone vibrate or hear it ring.. lucky im not deaf or i dont have: Hereditary Sensory Autonomic Neuropathy. ( disease preventing you from feeling *your phone vibrate* )

and its in my pocket , so the light wouldn?t really help... personally i dont care much for it.

I want the notification light for when the phone isn't in my pocket. For instance I have my phone sitting out on my desk, I get up to go do something else, and while I'm gone I receive a text, but I'm not within earshot of my phone. Then I return, not knowing that I received a text, and go about my usual business until I check my phone a few hours later. However if there was a notification light, I would know about that text as soon as I got back without having to wake up the phone.

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