WP7 Slow On Wifi?


New member
Jun 15, 2011
Saw this on xda forums:

Slow wifi speed for anyone? [Archive] - xda-developers

At my house, sprint is weak in signal. In the winter, no leaves on the trees etc, it is better but we get ok signal. I hook my phones to my wifi and WP7 sometimes runs really fast, other times it just is SLLLOOOOOOWWWWW. I think this is a bug as when I am away from home in good cell signal it is zippy, and sometimes at home when it seems to be using the wifi only, it is zippy, but I think WP7 is trying to use the cell signal first then wifi. I have seen things that make me wonder what is up:

When I unlocked the screen, why is the wifi icon animated and then goes full? Shouldn't this stay full?

Sometimes I pull up an app, marketplace and the wifi logo pops up and it runs fast, then sometimes the roaming pops up and slows it down. Again I think the os can't make up its mind on what signal to use.

To me, if you have a phone on wifi you get get only three things through the cell towers:

1) Push notifications
2) Cell calls
3) SMS and other text messages

Everything else should default to the wifi data and most phones do, but WP7 isn't. Anybody else see this? I hope it is fixed soon.
I have the exact same problem on my HTC Arrive. Generally, the Wifi is super slow and sucks a$$. I thought about taking the phone in for replacement but after hearing about other people with the same problem I just decided to put up with the issues until fixed in Mango (I hope) or I get a new phone. Sorry dude... misery loves company is all I can say.
If the phone isn't plugged in, the wifi signal is dropped once the screen is shut off. If you have the phone plugged in, the wifi will continue to be connected.
Saw this on xda forums:

Slow wifi speed for anyone? [Archive] - xda-developers

At my house, sprint is weak in signal. In the winter, no leaves on the trees etc, it is better but we get ok signal. I hook my phones to my wifi and WP7 sometimes runs really fast, other times it just is SLLLOOOOOOWWWWW. I think this is a bug as when I am away from home in good cell signal it is zippy, and sometimes at home when it seems to be using the wifi only, it is zippy, but I think WP7 is trying to use the cell signal first then wifi. I have seen things that make me wonder what is up:

When I unlocked the screen, why is the wifi icon animated and then goes full? Shouldn't this stay full?

Sometimes I pull up an app, marketplace and the wifi logo pops up and it runs fast, then sometimes the roaming pops up and slows it down. Again I think the os can't make up its mind on what signal to use.

To me, if you have a phone on wifi you get get only three things through the cell towers:

1) Push notifications
2) Cell calls
3) SMS and other text messages

Everything else should default to the wifi data and most phones do, but WP7 isn't. Anybody else see this? I hope it is fixed soon.
Ok well, that is interesting I guess to save power, BUT the os should use the wifi fully when it connects, it doesn't.
Since that seems new to you, when it was slow, did you wait for the phone to reconnect to wifi or did you just start using it? I'm pretty sure, if you don't wait for it, it'll try to use cell data.

Just a few other questions: have you tried turning off roaming data? What kind of router do you have?

EDIT: My wifi is superfast as I've said in another thread. I've never had a problem with wifi unless the router is unreliable (like in some hotels and coffee shops) and the few times I didn't wait for it to connect when I first started using the phone.
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WiFi reconnects everytime you wake up your screen. That's the animation you see. On my device it usually connects within 2-3 seconds. Everything that requires data will use WiFi first, provided the signal is strong enough. If you lose your WiFi signal while performing a task, data will convert to Carrier and remain connected that way till you finish your task. Like while you are streaming or downloading an app or song.

Just get Bandwidth. The app is free and works great for testing your WiFi signal. In my house, on a 10Mbps service, I get between 6 and 8.5Mbps down and .6 to .8Mbps up, much better than the AT&T 3G signal.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
I have an HTC Trophy that is my personal phone and an LG Quantum that belongs to my company. They are night and day different when dealing with wi-fi!

The Quantum takes much longer to wake up the wifi. It is super frustrating. The Trophy connects fast enough that I haven't noticed it.

I originally thought that network throughput speed was slower on the Quantum, but I think that is more a matter of perception. It may even be slightly faster than the Trophy, but it FEELS much slower, and I think the reason is that the slow wake up speed leaves me with a higher level of impatience. It *might* also have trouble maintaining the connection. I haven't tested it enough to say that for sure yet.

After carrying the Quantum for a couple of months I had decided I would NOT buy a WP7 phone for myself. Fortunately I have a friend with a Focus who showed me how fast the network was for him. That sealed the deal for me (that and the $-49.99 deal from the MS Store...).
The issue is in WP7. I do wait on the icon to connect and I have a playbook, ipad, ps3, wife's android phone has been on wifi and my blackberry was on wifi router is fine. I turned of data roaming, now it is very fast. BUT this is an issue on Sprint as Sprint users have to get he everything data plans and we get free roaming on verizon, evdo data to. This is fine now, but if I get out in the "wild" and I can only roam, I would have to turn data roaming back on. So for the HTC Arrive and future WP7 phones on Sprint we should be able to have this ON and wifi should be used first. I understand on other carriers this doesn't work, but on Sprint data roaming is free.
Experiencing very slow speeds with my WPA2 network.

I've tried disabling cellular data to make absolutely sure that I'm using Wi-Fi, and I'm still getting very slow speeds. I usually get less than 1mbs down on my Focus S, but I get 20mbs down on everything else. I have plenty of other devices and operating systems connecting to this network with no issues.

Anyone else?
Experiencing very slow speeds with my WPA2 network.

I've tried disabling cellular data to make absolutely sure that I'm using Wi-Fi, and I'm still getting very slow speeds. I usually get less than 1mbs down on my Focus S, but I get 20mbs down on everything else. I have plenty of other devices and operating systems connecting to this network with no issues.

Anyone else?
Just to follow up on this, Windows Phone definitely has a problem with WPA2.

I just did some tests, and my Wi-Fi speeds were fine when I switched my router to WPA. On WPA2, my speeds are abysmal.

This is definitely a software bug with WP7 that needs to be fixed.
I don't have any problem with the WiFi. I think it's isolated cases or people don't realize that the Wi-Fi is restarting after couple of seconds when it's under lock screen.
Just to follow up on this, Windows Phone definitely has a problem with WPA2.

I just did some tests, and my Wi-Fi speeds were fine when I switched my router to WPA. On WPA2, my speeds are abysmal.

This is definitely a software bug with WP7 that needs to be fixed.

Actually. It would be a firmware/driver issue the phone manufacture needs to fix.
I have only used my Focus over WiFi and haven't discovered any problems...as long as I can connect to the network. I have had cases where I go to a friend's house or I try to use a public hotspot and it just will not connect. These are few and far between, though, and some might have been from weak signal.

I also can't connect to my Imagio's hotspot, which was a huge bummer when I discovered the incompatibility. :(
I'm having the same problem with WiFi on my HD7. I have to keep hitting refresh to get pages to load, and when they do load, they come in very slowly. I can use other wifi devices with no problem.

The problem seems pretty recent, I didn't have it when I first got the phone.
Up until around 2 weeks ago I've noticed that my HD7 is incredibly slow on my Wifi network. So slow that I've decided to go 3G. :(

When is this getting sorted?

EDIT: Further more, I found this was the sole reason for all the lazy notifications/live tiles. Since I've been on 3G, the phone is functioning as it should be.
Wouldn't surprise me if this was something to do with the carriers; Wifi is not in their interest.
It could be a bug. I stay linked to WIFI when I am home, and it is plenty fast. Christmas Eve I was on 3G at my Mom's, and the phone seemed faster than my WIFI at home.
It was fast to a point where I was frustrating my Stepdad, my Terrific Trophy was uploading web pages faster than his laptop was. :D
I've found that I have the problem only when both 3G and Wifi are on.
It is fast if I turn off Wifi and use 3G.
It is fast if I turn off 3G(airplane mode) and just use Wifi.

If I have both Wifi and 3G on, and I'm "connected" to Wifi, it gets very slow and I have to hit refresh several times for each page to load. Any network connection takes a very long time or times out.
I've found that I have the problem only when both 3G and Wifi are on.
It is fast if I turn off Wifi and use 3G.
It is fast if I turn off 3G(airplane mode) and just use Wifi.

If I have both Wifi and 3G on, and I'm "connected" to Wifi, it gets very slow and I have to hit refresh several times for each page to load. Any network connection takes a very long time or times out.
I have the same problem but noted that on those times it slowes down, WP7 actually uses GSM data and not WiFi although the phones shows WiFi as being perfectly connected (so one would assume it is using WiFi).

I did start a thread about it with more people having that kind of problem:

and there is a MS Answers-Question where also more people are reporting this kind of problem:
WP7.5 chooses Data connection over Wifi - Microsoft Answers
which probably is the best way to bring the problem to MS attention.

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