WP7 the worst gaming mobile

i have to admit doh,

what ms,XBL,developers are STARTING to do I was expecting last year .

... but 1 more year and we should have much better gaming experience then Iphone and Android combine....

Iphone and Android will simply not be able to compet with MS`s eco system , and thats a FACT.

we simply just have more hardware , we just need mreo DEV to come over.

Not liek the Iphoen can handle better games then wp7, if anything the wp7`s are more powerfull.

I like that you're backing up wp7 but what were you expecting to come out a year ago? I hope yyou realize that 1 year ago is when wp7 was just being released. You would rather an iPhone like game over a really good and functional OS first. Not flaming you just wishing peeps would see that wp7 is ONLY 1 YEAR old.

Thanks for the post :)
No one in this thread is saying that iPhone doesn't have the best games.

Youre saying it's a shame that WP doesn't have iPhone quality games? What really is a shame is the fact that WP has been out.... ONLY 1 whole year!!!! If dell was to come out with an entirely new OS tomorrow... You expect that to be the best OS available? I mean common. Look how much MS has done for us in less than 1 years time compared to how long iPhone has been out.

These blind complaints really bother me and I'm such a nice and passive person.
While we're comparing the platform to the Live Arcade (myself included) I'd like to also point out that the Live Arcade service SUCKED for its first couple years. It was absolutely terrible. Almost nothing of value was released on it early on, and the file size limit set by MS killed most developers interest in utilizing it. I remember when it was such an embarrassment that MS said it would remove all games from the service that didn't get above a certain Metacritic value. That never came to pass, obviously, but there were rough times.

It took them several years to get it where it is today... But it did get there.

Remember, early adopters are always the beta testers. When you buy hardware that is new and untested, you need to realize that it's not going to be all you wanted it to be initially. A platform is built over time, and WP hasn't had very much time to mature yet. We've only got our first big update after all! Meanwhile, Android and Apple are entering their 4th and 5th updates... And in some regards they're STILL not as polished as WP7.
Glad I'm actually content with my purchase otherwise I'd be creating rants and co-signing all day. Wait......
I like that you're backing up wp7 but what were you expecting to come out a year ago? I hope yyou realize that 1 year ago is when wp7 was just being released. You would rather an iPhone like game over a really good and functional OS first. Not flaming you just wishing peeps would see that wp7 is ONLY 1 YEAR old.

Thanks for the post :)

dude ive been praising the wp7 from day one lol... :P ive been basically saying the same thing you are..... :) on all the complaint threads...

i was expecting more Xbox live integration /crost-platforming from day 1( considering it was the big sell point of wp7 ) not expecting the games to be AMAZING , but i was still xpecting a little more.

and now we are FINALLy starting to hear about it. i just wish we had a little more cross-plat forming going on. (fusion genesis / Fusion: sentinal and wowo World )
I would love Halo on my WP7! I don't think controls would be that difficult. I used to play NOVA on my Palm Pre with a 3.2 in screen and loved it! Halo would definitely help solidify WP7 as a gamers phone!

Edit: oops! This was supposed to be a reply to a post earlier about Halo and FPS games on WP7.
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