Xbox Live ID's

GT: BEASTthsIndstry

I play Titanfall and Onigiri quite a bit. Looking to get into Neverwinter some more too.
GT: InvaderExx

Current Multiplayer Games:
Borderlands Handsome Collection
Halo 5
Battlefield 4
Battlefield Hardline
Forza 6

Current Single Player Games:
Fallout 4
Rise of the Tomb Raider

Add me and we can party up and junk. :smile:
Just a refresher, my gamertag is Lil Frier. I'm currently playing Zombie Army Trilogy, Halo 5, Rare Replay, and might be adding Battlefront to the list, if anyone's interested.
BO3 only.

I do have Halo 5 which was fun, especially SWAT... BF hardline and 4. Also plan on getting Siege.

GT - impeccable one
Gamertag: ArieDed
Mostly play Halo 5, Plants vs Zombies, fifa 16 and maybe some Battlefield and Titanfall when I get EA Access.
Aroused Spoon

Looking for Rocket League, or The Division Dark Zone farming.

Mostly play weekends/some evenings..

Playing various games. Fifa, GTA V, Halo, Forza, Destiny, Far Cry 4, UFC, Titanfall etc. Feel free to add-

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