Xbox Live on WP7 - Too many good games?


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I came from a BlackBerry and the only game I had in the year and a half I owned it was Simpsons Arcade. There really wasn't anything super exciting to put money into. However with WP7 there's an awesome selection. I ended up picking up Rocket Riot and Full House Poker this week and love both of them. And last week I bought Katamari and next week I'm going to most likely buy Pro Evo Soccer.

I think Microsoft's leg in the console market is actually helping them get some decent games.

Anyone out there unhappy with the current game selection?
Haha I don't know if you'd be able to pull Mass Effect off on the phone. It seems like the controls would be pretty complicated.

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GaMMA, how are you finding the controls in Katamari? The controls in the demo made the game unplayable to me. I might redownload it and try to get into it, but they really turned me off from the game, along with the ridiculously short amount of gameplay.
I actually only had problems with the controls on a few of the later levels. I would miss an object completely and then try to roll backwards and overshoot it, come forward and miss it again. Luckily the game really doesn't require precision, plus I never owned a Katamari game so I guess I don't know any better with the controls.

This game was on the iPhone almost a year before hitting WP7 and all the reviews I saw people complained about the controls too. The reviewers wanted a touch screen joystick. If we didn't see a change since the iPhone launch I'm thinking the developer is satisfied with the game.

But yea I really like the game. It's so weird, zany and simple.

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Nah its all good. Just need me some Mass Effect! And like in the other thread, more RPG's.

oh a good Mass Effect game would be a huge seller, I'd be refreshing the Marketplace waiting for it to be released should it be announced...
The games list is freakin' awesome! XBL on a phone is such a great feature, however I do think it's getting overlooked due to the update issues.

Plus, I'm a gamer who went search for the WP7 O/S. I wonder if this phone appeals to users who aren't gamers? Ya know, those folks who walk in off the street to buy a phone and have no clue about XBL.
Not A Gamer

The games list is freakin' awesome! XBL on a phone is such a great feature, however I do think it's getting overlooked due to the update issues.

Plus, I'm a gamer who went search for the WP7 O/S. I wonder if this phone appeals to users who aren't gamers? Ya know, those folks who walk in off the street to buy a phone and have no clue about XBL.

I definitely did not get this device because of the games. There are many reasons that WP7 is winner, but I won't get into them now. I am very impressed with the games so far though. I am actually considering getting an X-Box now too! (Nice marketing MS!)
I like the games quite a bit from the trials I have played ( as short as some of them are)
but I personally would like to see a price drop of at least a dollar or so before I start putting money into them. Also I would like to see the pricing of apps to be the same across the board, as a lot of you know a $.99 app is $1.09 in Canada. Not a big difference I know but it's a mental money spending block to me.
I definitely did not get this device because of the games. There are many reasons that WP7 is winner, but I won't get into them now. I am very impressed with the games so far though. I am actually considering getting an X-Box now too! (Nice marketing MS!)

I've been an Xbox gamer since the beginning. :)

Xbox Live games are what got me into Windows Phone 7. That's also why I'm responsible (along with George) for gaming coverage here at WPCentral. :)
I'll just say that I haven't even purchased a game yet, since I got my wp7 phone yesterday, but that free xbox live Flowerz game has me hooked. hearing the achievement unlocked sound on the phone is just as satisfying as it is on the console. I can already imagine the amount of money I'll be pouring into some quality games.

Even the non-xbox live games are good. Having a blast with alphajax with my gf.
Welcome to Windows Phone 7, Wizll! Hope you continue to enjoy games on your phone. :)

Some games to try:

Full House Poker (Xbox Live) $3
MonsterUp $2
Haypi Kingdom (Free)
The only thing I'd ask from Microsoft is the ability to have a HDMI connector for the mini-USB which could enable you to plug your device into your HDTV and have the games pumped in 1080.
I'm unhappy with MS not giving up a XBOX classic A+ title. I really wanted some type of Halo, fable, GoW type game. [And no, I don't count that coin fable game]

The rest of the mini games are pretty much throw away titles.
I'm unhappy with MS not giving up a XBOX classic A+ title. I really wanted some type of Halo, fable, GoW type game. [And no, I don't count that coin fable game]

The rest of the mini games are pretty much throw away titles.

AAA titles take a lot of time to make. I'm sure we'll see some bigger-budget games this fall. Halo is definitely coming at some point too.
Welcome to Windows Phone 7, Wizll! Hope you continue to enjoy games on your phone. :)

Some games to try:

Full House Poker (Xbox Live) $3
MonsterUp $2
Haypi Kingdom (Free)
I'm loving Full House Poker. I've put a ton of time into that game. Well worth the price.

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