Xbox Music Cloud Syncing with WP8


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Dec 12, 2012
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I'm having a problem with syncing between my computer's music collection and my phone. Now I know there are syncing issues right now, but I'm having a problem with something that normally works fine, so if anyone has any suggestions, that would be great. Here's the problem:

I have been using the Zune music subscription service (now xbox music) for awhile. I currently have Windows 7 with the zune player and a load of downloaded music in my collection. When I set up my Windows Phone 8 device (HTC 8X) my music collection never synced. A few songs were added to my phone, but the majority of the collection never appeared.

I am NOT trying to physically add the songs to the phone. But it is my understanding that the collection you have on your computer is supposed to sync so I can stream it from my phone (as long as it was downloaded with the xbox music subscription, which it has been). I'm assuming this problem is partially due to me using the zune player/windows 7/the fact that the DRM was changed etc... but I'm not sure why a few of the songs did sync when most didn't. As far as I can tell there was nothing different about the songs that synced from the one's that did not.

On top of this, any new content I download on my computer does not sync with the phone.

I went to a Windows Store the other day and asked about the problem but they had no idea. To make things even more confusing I logged into xbox music on one of their computers with windows 8 and my phone then synced with all the songs on that computer (which again is bizarre because even though I had my account on the computer none of that content was downloaded under my account). That content remained synced on my phone even after logging out of the computer in the store.

I really feel like this is an issue with Windows 7/zune/WP8 compatibility, but I wanted to see if anyone else had experienced this problem. I'm eventually just going to wipe the phone and start again hoping it syncs properly, but if anyone has an easier solution that would be awesome. Hope this all makes sense. And one more time just for clarity, I am NOT trying to move any of the songs physically onto the phone. I just want to be able to select my collection and stream it etc.



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Jul 20, 2012
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Ah.... Hate to say this. But it's a mess. So basically, there is something called cloud collection in Xbox music. The *ONLY* way to add music to cloud collection is to use the music app on windows 8/rt. You can view the playlist, music etc from the cloud collection on your phone - but you cannot edit the cloud collection there. What makes things worse is that Zune Music Pass downloads are not supported in Xbox music app on windows 8. If you don't have a windows 8 (therefore cannot edit your cloud collection), I highly suggest search for "train wreck" on this forum. There is no FAQs or user guide provide by Microsoft, so confusion and sometimes frustration and anger are just normal. It's part of windows phone life.


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Dec 12, 2012
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Ya, it definitely seems like a serious mess.

But it still sounds like based on what you said there that I should be able to at least view my cloud collection on the phone, which as of right now isn't really working (only some songs show up).

Anyway, thanks for replying.


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Jul 20, 2012
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Ya, it definitely seems like a serious mess.

But it still sounds like based on what you said there that I should be able to at least view my cloud collection on the phone, which as of right now isn't really working (only some songs show up).

Anyway, thanks for replying.

Nah.... You are using windows 7 and Zune software on windows 7 doesn't support Xbox cloud collection.... It is designed to screw windows 7 users, long time Zune users, windows phone users, and unfortunately that windows 8 app sucks so much....


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Dec 12, 2012
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Right, well, that's pretty awful then. The music syncing was one of the primary reasons I got a windows phone. I have 0 interest in upgrading to Windows 8 right now.

Anyway, thanks again.

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