Xbox Music, Free Streaming Death.


New member
Sep 1, 2014
I'm so sad... I just started streaming. I really enjoy it.... The fact that they're doing this is putting them behind other music streaming services :(

Anybody else sad about the death of free streaming?
If you really like the product, consider buying an Xbox music pass. It is a shame that they are doing away with the free version, but I'm guessing that there may have been a music licensing issue that came into play with it? I could see the RIAA having a part in their decision to stop.
Hopefully they're getting rid of it in place of the free XBM OneDrive music locker service. My physical collection on my desktop is about 3 weeks' worth xD
It all depends on how you look at this, I guess that MS have to pay a small fee every time a track is played, add this up for all the free users and it probably amounts to a lot of money, and the only source of income to cover this would be the users who pay for the service, so in effect they are either getting less of a service or it's costing them money.

I do have a music pass, I have about 1400 songs that were ripped from CD's but I now have an additional 2000 songs that I have downloaded over about 10 weeks, I am a bit tight fisted and sceptical of subscription services but this service is well worth it for me.
Hopefully they're getting rid of it in place of the free XBM OneDrive music locker service. My physical collection on my desktop is about 3 weeks' worth xD
Any new news on this? I was expecting to have heard something to correspond with the phase out of free streaming.
I'm so sad... I just started streaming. I really enjoy it.... The fact that they're doing this is putting them behind other music streaming services :(

Anybody else sad about the death of free streaming?
Hey it sgonna go on sale tomorrow only. The last 12 day of Christmas. If u are near a Microsoft store its 30 bucks or something, but its 50 bucks online. That's half the cost of the full year which is 100 bucks. 50 bucks for a year is like paying for Xbox live, but 30 bucks is a steal if u have a store near you.
Hey it sgonna go on sale tomorrow only. The last 12 day of Christmas. If u are near a Microsoft store its 30 bucks or something, but its 50 bucks online. That's half the cost of the full year which is 100 bucks. 50 bucks for a year is like paying for Xbox live, but 30 bucks is a steal if u have a store near you.

Thanks! Sadly, the closet one to me is 23 miles away.

(We only have 3 in Utah) =(

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