Xbox Music Issues with WIndows Phone Syncing

Nov 20, 2012
Okay so what is the best way to sync your music with windows Phone?
I used Windows Phone Desktop app..and itunes(I know lol).

I used Itunes because it was the only way I could edit album art as well as it was the only way I can easily edit song titles/Artist Info/Album info...However that still isn't good

1. I edit album art, Artist Info, etc etc in itunes but half the time the songs do not update/show the edited part in Xbox Music for WP...

2. Whenever I have New Music i added to my library via itunes, I usually delete all my music and then resync it because idk how to add the additional new music to the phone.
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New member
Jun 19, 2012
Re: Xbox Music Isses with WIndows Phone Syncing

To me, the best way to edit is through windows media player. I guess I'm so use to it, but wmp can automatically update your music or you can manually do it too.

Just put all your music, or copy of to test, in the default music folder, open wmp and let it recognize your files. The bottom right should already start showing that its "updating" your collection. If anything isn't updated, just right click on the song and manually change the info.
Nov 20, 2012
Re: Xbox Music Isses with WIndows Phone Syncing

To me, the best way to edit is through windows media player. I guess I'm so use to it, but wmp can automatically update your music or you can manually do it too.

Just put all your music, or copy of to test, in the default music folder, open wmp and let it recognize your files. The bottom right should already start showing that its "updating" your collection. If anything isn't updated, just right click on the song and manually change the info.

And after editing through WMP(I have that as well), how do you sync it?
Through WMP or through another method?

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