Xbox One vs. PS4


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Sep 21, 2012
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I don't have any worries Xbox One wont be a success. X1 is selling great and most importantly, great games are coming out for it- too many for me to buy or have time to play. I have both consoles and prefer my X1 for the controller, social aspect and promise of great games and updates to functionality month to month.


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Sep 23, 2011
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I don't have any worries Xbox One wont be a success. X1 is selling great and most importantly, great games are coming out for it- too many for me to buy or have time to play. I have both consoles and prefer my X1 for the controller, social aspect and promise of great games and updates to functionality month to month.

I feel exactly the same as you! Like legit the same!


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Jan 23, 2014
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I think that no matter what platform we choose, it is really up to our individual taste. Sure, some may find the PS4 to be more superior to the Xbox one, or the other way round, I personally dont care. At the end of the day, what we choose will be determined by our taste. People on the internet can only say so much, and they can hate on Microsoft / Sony for all I care, but why someone will choose their platform IS determined by their preferences and taste.

P.S. If anyone asks me I would choose the PC, but hey, I own a 360 too. So I'm not coming in and proclaiming anything. Peace out.


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Sep 23, 2011
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I think that no matter what platform we choose, it is really up to our individual taste. Sure, some may find the PS4 to be more superior to the Xbox one, or the other way round, I personally dont care. At the end of the day, what we choose will be determined by our taste. People on the internet can only say so much, and they can hate on Microsoft / Sony for all I care, but why someone will choose their platform IS determined by their preferences and taste.

P.S. If anyone asks me I would choose the PC, but hey, I own a 360 too. So I'm not coming in and proclaiming anything. Peace out.

Great comment!


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Aug 14, 2014
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Go elite and get a PC. Be a real gamer for once and not some ponce sat on his fat *** with a controller in hand talking to 13 year old kids playing Call of Duty 100

Acts like and elite gamer yet knows nothing of console gaming. Out of the last year I haven't played with a single person under 17. Also there are exclusives on both consoles that a PC will never get.


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Sep 23, 2011
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Go elite and get a PC. Be a real gamer for once and not some ponce sat on his fat *** with a controller in hand talking to 13 year old kids playing Call of Duty 100. PC gaming is now in 4k definition.

No one likes you PC Elitists. All you do is call us "peasants", say you get better frame rates and better resolution, when you don't even play on a console. I don't care if people like PC more, I really don't, you just don't have to be a **** about it.

And PC gamers have the stereotype of being fat and just play games 24/7, not console gamers.

We got consoles because we like it, and if you have a problem with that, then just leave.


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Sep 23, 2011
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Acts like and elite gamer yet knows nothing of console gaming. Out of the last year I haven't played with a single person under 17. Also there are exclusives on both consoles that a PC will never get.

It's not the age, it's those annoying kids. I don't care how old they are, as long as they're not annoying. With Xbox's matchmaking and having that reputation system, it's gotten a lot better.


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Dec 23, 2012
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No one likes you PC Elitists. All you do is call us "peasants", say you get better frame rates and better resolution, when you don't even play on a console. I don't care if people like PC more, I really don't, you just don't have to be a **** about it.

And PC gamers have the stereotype of being fat and just play games 24/7, not console gamers.

We got consoles because we like it, and if you have a problem with that, then just leave.
If PCs get the best graphics, I don't care.
I don't want "games" that are just tech demos for what the hardware is capable of, I want games that I can actually enjoy.


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Feb 21, 2013
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Lol I'm not one to glorify "fanboys" but that misterxmedia website is great. :)
for Xbox Fans offcourse hehe
From looking at that site -- either MS is trolling Sony hard or "Insider" is an Elite PS ****** trolling a bunch of Xbox disciples hard. At least you don't have to wade through tons of Sony ****** hatred to get some news about X1, though.


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May 21, 2013
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Yesterdays NPD numbers show that PS4 has outsold Xbox One for 7 straight months now, and the gap seems to be exacerbating. It used to be like 1.5:1, then 2:1, now it's more like 3:1 despite the decoupling of Kinect. Microsoft needs to do something else, stat. And I don't think bundles are enough. I don't see any reason why August and September won't make it 9 straight months for PS4, but Microsoft's October-November lineup is better than PS4's is, by quite a bit too, so there is a chance then. If they can't win those months, in the home market, nonetheless, then I think a comeback will prove to be quite unlikely.


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Dec 16, 2010
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Who cares. As long as you're happy and Microsoft is still pushing games and support out it doesn't matter. At least it isn't the Wii U.


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Oct 2, 2012
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Yesterdays NPD numbers show that PS4 has outsold Xbox One for 7 straight months now, and the gap seems to be exacerbating. It used to be like 1.5:1, then 2:1, now it's more like 3:1 despite the decoupling of Kinect. Microsoft needs to do something else, stat. And I don't think bundles are enough. I don't see any reason why August and September won't make it 9 straight months for PS4, but Microsoft's October-November lineup is better than PS4's is, by quite a bit too, so there is a chance then. If they can't win those months, in the home market, nonetheless, then I think a comeback will prove to be quite unlikely.
Look how last gen started for ps3 and then how the Gen ended. Then stop worrying too much :D


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Aug 15, 2013
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Who cares. As long as you're happy and Microsoft is still pushing games and support out it doesn't matter. At least it isn't the Wii U.

Hey! I happen to enjoy my Wii U... I've been on a Pikmin kick lately. Lol. I agree with your first statement though. Numbers sold shouldn't matter to you no matter which console you have. Each company is going to support them for a number of years with good content. Even Nintendo is going to keep supporting the Wii U. Most likely for a shorter time than Sony and Microsoft support their current gen consoles, but there will be quality titles for each system throughout the life cycle.


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Aug 15, 2013
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I'm not talking about global sales; I'm talking specifically about the U.S. market--Microsoft's home turf, where the Xbox 360 beat the PS3 quite handily but where the PS4 has outsold the Xbox One for all of 2014 thus far. If the Xbox One can't even win its home market, a market where Microsoft had a huge sales advantage over Sony in the previous generation, in the month of reaching price parity, that doesn't body well. I'm worried about it because this will affect the content I will get to play on the system, a problem that will exacerbate as time goes on, if the trend continues. Xbox One could become at risk of becoming like Windows Phone--lucky to get sloppy seconds from Android's app store. We've already seen Kinect lose support (Microsoft didn't even mention the word during their E3 conference!), Xbox Entertainment Studios get axed, etc. and the console is barely over a 1/2 year old.

And as Flagz pointed out, the bias of the press, with their enamor for the PS4, has likely been fueling sales discrepancies (and has been frustrating to read).

I think it will start to catch up once people start to feel the need to upgrade their system. For tons of people, the Xbox 360 is still a perfectly capable console. In my opinion, sales of the Xbox One wont really hit their full stride until the 360 stops receiving games and support. Right now, the 360 performs just fine.

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