XBox One with no Kinect for $399. No more paywall for media services (Netflix, Hulu, etc)

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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Just to put it out there: Microsoft didn't fail with Surface RT because of the apps. They failed with Surface RT because the Bay Trail tablets are basically capable of everything the RT ones are (in terms of size, power, battery life, and price tag), but they also offer legacy software support. RT had no chance from the get-go because it's just Windows 8 with the legs cut off.


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May 4, 2014
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Yey! Now I may be able to afford one!

Seriously though, this was a bad move by Microsoft. Not because it got rid of Kinect, but because it is another U-turn. How many is that now? Microsoft need to admit they made an inferior console to the PS4, and they did it because they thought they could shove DRM and a Kinect down gamers throats to get money, rather than making the hardware better than the PS4's. I know the Xbox One is better than the PS4 because of the software, but where games only are considered, the PS4 is more powerful and has better graphics at the moment. Hopefully Halo will change that.

I say this as one of the biggest MS fanboys in the world, but seriously, Microsoft, stop making U-turns and do something insane at E3 to win this generation. Release the Xbox One80 with better hardware. Anything
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May 4, 2014
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Just to put it out there: Microsoft didn't fail with Surface RT because of the apps. They failed with Surface RT because the Bay Trail tablets are basically capable of everything the RT ones are (in terms of size, power, battery life, and price tag), but they also offer legacy software support. RT had no chance from the get-go because it's just Windows 8 with the legs cut off.

Windows RT does what Windows 8 wanted to do better than it. I hate massive tiles that take seconds to even load on my laptop but I love them on my Windows RT device. If only Windows RT never had the desktop and had a different name, it may have fared better


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Feb 26, 2014
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Xbox One Without Kinect For $399 Will You Upgrade?

The Xbox One just got it's major price drop. Will you upgrade from the 360? I know I am.


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Oct 2, 2012
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Re: Xbox One Without Kinect For $399 Will You Upgrade?

Already have the X1 with Kinect and while this offer is very attractive for many who don't have the X1 yet, I feel sorry for these people as they will miss out on the Kinect. You really don't know what you're passing until you use it for some weeks/month. I wouldn't even consider not having Kinect anymore.

T Moore

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Jan 21, 2013
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Re: Xbox One Without Kinect For $399 Will You Upgrade?

No, my 360 is my Media Center Extender. This is something the One can not do


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Jul 4, 2011
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Again, I feel this XBOX VS. PlayStation soap opera may be a little mute at this point for 2 reasons:

With Tablets and mobile, the segment for these gaming machines are actually fairly small. Large enough to make these devices important and profitable, but no where near the segment it was when the original XBOX launched. A lesser priced XBOX just makes sense, while a more powerful XBOX will, in my opinion, still sell more. Why? This small segment is willing to pay for a top end machine, The "kick back" about the Kinect was mostly, in my opinion, from a group of people who won't buy anyways, but would like to. But they will settle for gaming on cheaper, portable devices.

Secondly, the XBOX is being positioned as a long term media device, not just a game consul. Obviously, gaming is at it's roots, but Microsoft is going to push all kinds of media to it while the PS will be aimed at gaming, with the ability to get media. MS wants the media to push the sales in the future. It is a long term strategy, as is the case for MS these days.

Like the removal, because a bump in sales will be nice for the PR circuit, as is the "we are listening to you" line. But long term, I would be shocked if the higher priced XBOX unit didn't double up the sales of the lower priced one.


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Dec 16, 2010
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Sony is targeting media stuff just as much as MS. They just aren't as vocal about it. They have entertainment stuff and original programming in the pipeline too. MS is just vocal about it and seem to be giving it more attention...

Btw its a MOOT point, not a mute or a moo point


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Dec 30, 2010
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1. Why would that be the case? If this was the beginning of Kinect, you might have a point, but I imagine that developers knew for a decent amount of time that Microsoft was going to be full speed ahead with Kinect. There wasn't an issue of introducing the hardware like the first iteration, which launched during the last generation (as opposed to the beginning).


They probably wanted to see MS do something big with it first.

2. The problem is that Microsoft didn't seem too interested in a "top-selling" game for Kinect. Their own studios minimized functionality with the thing, and the third-party exclusives did the same or less. Microsoft wasn't pushing the Kinect itself, so it makes sense to unbundle it. It's not like Microsoft was trying but failed; they weren't even trying.

True on that point.


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Dec 30, 2010
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I don't think it will make any difference. At $399 the PS4 has better graphics and positive press. Micorsoft's name is basically mud. Outside the US, XBox One sales are dead.

I somewhat agree.

They took away their true differentiator. So what they have left is a console that costs as much as a PS4, is less powerful, and doesn't really do anything neat.


Mar 17, 2013
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I like this move because I may just get a Xbox year. I have to replace my razr M and get a Moto 360.

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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I somewhat agree.

They took away their true differentiator. So what they have left is a console that costs as much as a PS4, is less powerful, and doesn't really do anything neat.

I would call that better than $100 more for a peripheral many simply didn't feel a strong desire to get. I would have been all over a Day One console without the Kinect for $400. I was planning to wait until the end of this year, but it was suggested as a graduation gift, so I took it. If I didn't get it as a gift, this would have been what sold me on the console.


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Oct 7, 2012
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It will pretty much come down to what games are more appealing to you. Not that wasn't a selling factor in the beginning, but for those who were interested in Kinect + the potential for games to incorporate that in an innovative fashion is pretty much dead.

What's strange is that the X1 currently is selling at a faster pace than the 360. It's not like things were looking grim. Seems to me MS just wanted to play catchup with Sony. That to me says one thing...

They were not in it for the long haul as far as their vision goes. Like any corporation, they only care about the money.

Edit: Random, but I was personally never a believer in the Kinect. I just don't think the technology is there yet. We are still some years away from having the Occulus/VR come out. I think once we get that train going, we can focus on motion gestures becoming more popular.


Nov 29, 2012
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For folks who've spent a lot of time with Xbox One, is Kinect (at the moment) more important/useful/integral to the gaming experience or to general control/media usage? I've yet to play with it, but my sense is that Kinect hasn't added much specifically to the gaming experience (i.e. it's not widely used as a way to move around as a character in a game, or to talk directly to NPCs in a game, or to make things actually happen within gameplay).

I wonder if Kinect isn't really better positioned simply as a hands-free remote control option for a separate Media box. Maybe it doesn't have wide appeal to the core gaming community as a gaming tool. That could change in a few years as VR comes closer, but I don't think that's happening on this console generation. Perhaps MS thought they could use the Xbox One as a development tool and have gamers subsidize the technology and the platform that will eventually give birth to a low-cost media-only device (which MS needs if they really want to compete for the living room).

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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It will pretty much come down to what games are more appealing to you. Not that wasn't a selling factor in the beginning, but for those who were interested in Kinect + the potential for games to incorporate that in an innovative fashion is pretty much dead.

This argument is SO tired and annoying. Two reasons:

1. The Kinect was a known factor, yet we are watching some of the biggest titles (even exclusives to Microsoft) ignore it. Forza, Ryse, and Dead Rising barely use it, and Titanfall and Sunset Overdrive are having nothing to do with it.

2. We'll see what kind of legitimate influence the Kinect had in 2015. Realistically, it could be argued that some (or many) of these third-party titles in 2014 did not know enough about the Kinect to develop games for it. However, 2013 showed it as an included part, so that would have steered them to it. Therefore, if the Kinect had impact, we'll see it with the 2015 releases.

So, the only way this idea of ruining Kinect functionality could be semi-proven true would be if we see a surge in Kinect-based games in 2015, then a total catering of that support in 2016 (when the developers will have adjusted for the loss of the required purchase). Until then, pay attention to the fact that even Microsoft wasn't giving software support worth giving attention to.

Meanwhile, I'll pray this is a sign that Microsoft is close to freeing up GPU resources that the Kinect is hogging, so we can get stuff at 1080p regularly.


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Oct 2, 2012
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Meanwhile, I'll pray this is a sign that Microsoft is close to freeing up GPU resources that the Kinect is hogging, so we can get stuff at 1080p regularly.

It's not that regular even for PS4 with it's more power, GDDR and not hogging resources. I think if and when the 1080p starts to be regular, it's not gonna be primarly cos of the kinect resources.


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Jul 8, 2013
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this is really bad decision to sell Xbox One w/o Kinect. I can't get the reason. One of the outstanding features and they took step back and start selling without Kinect, means it will be ignroed by developpers in exact same way as on X360. I dont get it.

If this came rom Elop's head, I am bit worrying about future of MS gaming division. :/


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Oct 2, 2012
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this is really bad decision to sell Xbox One w/o Kinect. I can't get the reason. One of the outstanding features and they took step back and start selling without Kinect, means it will be ignroed by developpers in exact same way as on X360. I dont get it.

If this came rom Elop's head, I am bit worrying about future of MS gaming division. :/

I was expecting them to take action, but I was hoping it would've been taking a loss from console sales to offer the console (and Kinect) at a cheaper price to compete better with PS4. This was the other option, the one I didn't want to happen for the same reasons you stated :/ MS could've afforded pushing units at a loss.


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Jul 8, 2013
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i'm seriously dissapointed. they should stand by their first decision to not sell XboxOne w/o Kinect. It was good decision I think, so relaly dont know why they've done such sudden change.??

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