Xbox preview invites

I just want to post an update for my experience. It took about 3 days after I was invited to get a message from Microsoft inviting me to download the preview app. Then about 4 days later when I turned on my Xbox one I was prompted to download the update. My Xbox is set to always on with automatic updates but I had to turn it on and manually confirm to install the update. Not sure if it was perfect timing or just a case that Microsoft wants you to confirm you want in on the preview program. Just want to say thank you to Peachy001 for inviting me to the preview and also all the other members helping out the community as well! The preview program is great and I hope lots more get to try it out.
I was hoping someone would do just such a post! That is pretty much the same as my experience last year. Glad to see not much has changed.

Great to see it all went well and you are happy with the preview!
Thanks peachy for the invite.took a bit longer than the stated 48-72 hours for the update to arrive after I got the email from xbox live.(I believe this is due to extra demand after e3).Not to worry though,fully enrolled now.I would say it took about a week for the whole process to complete.Thanks again
My pleasure, and thanks to all those that followed the instructions. It nay seem like a chore to message me, but it makes it so much easier to help you.
I realize this initial post was from a while back, but it seems pretty active still! I am bringing home my new XB1 tonight after work (finally!) and wondered if I might snag an invite still? If the offer still stands I'll follow the steps on the original post!

Thanks so much for doing this for the WC family!
Hi peachy001...thx so much for doing this. My son ( jvhrocks ) will be messaging you shortly : - )
Message is critical. All instructions and FAQs are in the first post in the thread. Your message came through while I was typing.

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