Yahoo Mail not syncing HELP

OK I have managed to solve my problem!

I noticed that before the error came up it seemed to be trying to sync messages in different batches or groups. It would say "Messages: 0 of 12" and go through to 12 of 12 fine and then it would say "Messages: 0 of 29" and would get to 22 or 26 or something and bam, the 8000FFFF error would come up.
I thought maybe it is trying to sync the messages in my inbox first, then sync all the other folders 2nd.

So What I did was create a new folder in Yahoo mail on my pc and moved all my inbox mail to that (all 2000+ emails!).
Then when I sync'd on my phone it worked fine. No error and inbox showed as empty. I sent a few test emails and they came thru fine using manual sync and auto sync. So it must have been a corrupt email in my inbox. They were all legit ones from friends etc and I had previously deleted any with attachments, but I guess there was one that wasn't quite right.

Interesting thing is, when I go to Show All Folders on my phone, the new folder doesn't show up. All my other random folders I have created show up, but not the new one.

So my suggestion is to either delete everything in your inbox on your pc and try sync-ing on your phone. Or if, like me, you need your emails from your inbox, make a new folder and move them all there.

If that doesn't solve your problem, the other thing to try is to delete all your Yahoo accounts on your phone. Then create a new Yahoo email address on your pc ( and add that account to your phone and see if you have any problems. If you do, then it's a settings, Yahoo or service provider issue. If there is no problem, add your original Yahoo account to your phone as well and try again. If the error comes up on that account but the new one you created is sync-ing fine, then it must be settings or a corrupt email like me.

Let me know how you get on!

I'm in Los Angeles, using AT&T.
Weird thing is, it seemed to do some syncing in the middle of the night when I was sleeping for about 1 or 2 hours as I got some email, but nothing during the day and when I tried to manually sync, nothing came up.
Thanks Neeky!!!

Just read your thread. I did something similar to you. Since I started having this problem this week what I did was move my emails from my Inbox from the last 2 weeks to another folder and it seemed to have worked. Like you said, it must have been some sort of corrupt email, but seems to be working now. If things change in the future, I will post an update. Otherwise, I am hoping the problem has been resolved!!
I rekon Yahoo has done something in the split second you and I and a few thousand others were receiving an email and parts of it got f'd up in transmission (I'm thinking of the original Willy Wonka when Mike TV get's transmitted across the room in particles).

Other people probably deleted their corrupt email before it became a problem, but us email hoarders kept it and it stuffed us up!

The new folder has shown up now on my phone but I haven't selected "synchronise folder?".

One day I'll go thru the email and delete the ones I don't need, but for now they can stay in my virtual cupboard and I'll prop a chair in front of the door to stop them all falling out. Looks so tidy!
Hi,I have the same issue with my yahoo account not working in the HTC WIndows phone 8S email client.
What I did until now:
- I reset the password not to contain special caracters - still not working
- asked Yahooo for help, they said that they would install an add that should fix the communication with their servers - still not working
- tryed with my wife's yahoo adress - it is working , so the issue is with may email
- deleted all the accounts and cookies and history from the phone.
- tried manual setup
- I had is working on a tablet and heard that cannot work on two devices, but deleted the account on the tablet also.
Is is just not syncronizing. What can be the issue??
You mean like remove it? If so: got to settings > email+accounts > tap & and hold yahoo mail > then select delete.

Hope that helps
Ugh... I'm having this problem with my Yahoo! mail on my Lumia 920, too. For some reason, I didn't even notice until last night that I haven't received any emails on it since Friday, 5/17. Annoying! :angry:
Hi everyone! okay I have solved this on my nokia lumia 930
I was having the same problems as most of you guys if not all of you with the "incorrect password" showing up everytime I wanted to sign in and sync! really frustrating. I was having no luck at anything I tried like most people in here and in other forums on the net.
Then while reading a post about yet another yahoo mail password problem, i thought maybe I'll go into my email settings and check around in there to see what the layout of the land was.

So this is how i got my phone to FINALLY sync with the server at Yahoo and download ALL my mail again.....
1. Log into Yahoo mail via a computer - this is important I didnt see ALL content via phone.
2. Go to the far right of the screen and look for the settings cog.
3.Click on 'account info'
4.Click on 'recent activity' and log out of any devices or apps that you see ( I cant say that this is the key to what helped me, but its the step I took so I cant leave it out and besides it cant do any harm)
5.Now on the left of the screen Click on 'Account Security'
6. look for 'Manage App Passwords' and click on 'Other App' unless Yahoo Mail is listed there tho I doubt it...
7. Type "yahoo mail" I dont think its case sensitive.
8.Then 'Generate Password"
9. Now USE THIS PASSWORD to sign in to Yahoo Mail VIA your device - aka Mobile Smart Phone!
10. you still need your original password when checking emails using a PC or LAPTOP.

I do hope this helps some of you frustrated people out there like it has for me - - - -

So this is just happening to me and someone else's phone, out of nowhere they stopped syncing, I have tried to do that "trick" and still it's not working for me. :(

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