- Dec 16, 2010
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I'm curious to know - what was your favorite (or for those on the other side of the big pond - favourite) game of this past year? Being that this is a XBOX One forum - I'd venture to guess most answers will/should? be XBOX One centered, but I'm not one to judge.
Also - what would you classify as your biggest disappointment this year?
My favorite games this year:
Shadow of Mordor: This was a really good game. I truly enjoyed it. It had all the best parts of some of my favorite games mashed together. The combat of the Batman games and the hunting/stalking of prey of Assassin's Creed. It also implemented a pretty cool 'nemesis' system where your enemies are randomly (but smartly) generated based on the actions you take in the game. They also remember you and your actions against them and some even seek you out. While others continue to come back for more torture. I enjoyed it, but the ending was very, very so-so.
Titanfall: Say what you want about a multiplayer only game with no (real/extensive) campaign (seems to do well for TF2, CS, and others), but Titanfall is fun. Lots of fun. I've had a blast playing it and it is the game I go back to the most out of my collection.
Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition: I didn't plan on getting this game, but happened to find it at my local video game store - used - the week it came out - for 45 dollars. I jumped on it and it didn't disappoint me at all. It is fun, rewards you all the time with new loot, and is simple enough to play that my wife even enjoys it!
Assassin's Creed: Unity: I'll probably get flack for this. But, I love the Assassin's Creed universe and series. I've played and beaten every game (except Black Flag... though, I think I'm at the last 'battle') and have enjoyed the (mostly crazy) story. ACU has it's issues for sure, but in my play time with it (clocking at almost 60 hours now) has been - for the most part - bug free. I get the slowdown and such, but it doesn't bother me, and a part from one co-op mission that I needed to restart, I've not experienced that many (if any) game breaking bugs. I'm really hoping that Ubisoft can implement the Batman combat system into Victory (or something like it) because combat - while better this time around - is still one of the lower points in this game. I also LOVED the co-op with friends. Man, this is what I've been waiting for - for a long time in the AC series.
Honorable mentions: Valiant Hearts: The Great War, Fibbage, Super Time Force, Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions
Biggest Disappointments this year
Destiny: Destiny is one of those games that I can't seem to figure out. I enjoy the mechanics of the game. The shooting and traveling are great - lots of fun for me. But the rest of the game is just a chore at times (though sometimes a fun chore with people you know). I had lots of high hopes for Destiny. I even (stupidly) bought the digital version with the season pass. I have yet to play the new content that came out and I know they've fixed a lot with the game, but it still lacks so much. The story is just terrible(I mean come on - You go and meet the 'blue people' for the apparently 'first time' yet you can be a blue person who apparently has never looked in a mirror!), Peter Dinklage's character is not engaging at all, and I'm still miffed that in order to play the raids you need to coordinate with friends only - who are free to play all at the same time - always in the same group - and who are past the level requirement to play it. Bah...
Broken Games: Publishers and developers have at least during this Holiday season have pushed out a number of games that are 'broken' in many ways and not ready to be actually played. I had numerous issues with connecting in Destiny the first month, ACU has had it's fair share of bugs, The Master Chief Collection slowly fixes itself (though for me the campaign works), Driveclub was an utter mess, The Crew likewise seems to be a wreck in many ways... I'm at once disheartened to see games released in such ways compared to games of the past, but then I'm still hopeful that at least we play during a time that developers are able to 'fix' games... Ugh... hopefully in the next few years publishers will be more willing to delay a game until its ready. The Witcher 3, Evolve, and Batman Arkham Knight seem to be taking that route...
Gaming Community: As a pastor who plays games and loves technology I constantly have to defend why I play games. This year made that incredibly more difficult than in years past. The vitriol and hatred that is spewed upon games, developers, and gaming personalities is terrible. Ugh... this was a year that many were waiting for who 'hate' on video games so they could 'prove' how terrible games/gamers are. Hopefully, hopefully - we all as a community can learn from the actions our community takes. Lifting up the positive, not letting those with vitriol and hate have a large audience to speak to, and calling out and pointing out injustice and hurt when we come across it as we game online, talk about games, and interact with our fellow gamers...
So - that's my list... what's y'all's
Also - what would you classify as your biggest disappointment this year?
My favorite games this year:
Shadow of Mordor: This was a really good game. I truly enjoyed it. It had all the best parts of some of my favorite games mashed together. The combat of the Batman games and the hunting/stalking of prey of Assassin's Creed. It also implemented a pretty cool 'nemesis' system where your enemies are randomly (but smartly) generated based on the actions you take in the game. They also remember you and your actions against them and some even seek you out. While others continue to come back for more torture. I enjoyed it, but the ending was very, very so-so.
Titanfall: Say what you want about a multiplayer only game with no (real/extensive) campaign (seems to do well for TF2, CS, and others), but Titanfall is fun. Lots of fun. I've had a blast playing it and it is the game I go back to the most out of my collection.
Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition: I didn't plan on getting this game, but happened to find it at my local video game store - used - the week it came out - for 45 dollars. I jumped on it and it didn't disappoint me at all. It is fun, rewards you all the time with new loot, and is simple enough to play that my wife even enjoys it!
Assassin's Creed: Unity: I'll probably get flack for this. But, I love the Assassin's Creed universe and series. I've played and beaten every game (except Black Flag... though, I think I'm at the last 'battle') and have enjoyed the (mostly crazy) story. ACU has it's issues for sure, but in my play time with it (clocking at almost 60 hours now) has been - for the most part - bug free. I get the slowdown and such, but it doesn't bother me, and a part from one co-op mission that I needed to restart, I've not experienced that many (if any) game breaking bugs. I'm really hoping that Ubisoft can implement the Batman combat system into Victory (or something like it) because combat - while better this time around - is still one of the lower points in this game. I also LOVED the co-op with friends. Man, this is what I've been waiting for - for a long time in the AC series.
Honorable mentions: Valiant Hearts: The Great War, Fibbage, Super Time Force, Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions
Biggest Disappointments this year
Destiny: Destiny is one of those games that I can't seem to figure out. I enjoy the mechanics of the game. The shooting and traveling are great - lots of fun for me. But the rest of the game is just a chore at times (though sometimes a fun chore with people you know). I had lots of high hopes for Destiny. I even (stupidly) bought the digital version with the season pass. I have yet to play the new content that came out and I know they've fixed a lot with the game, but it still lacks so much. The story is just terrible(I mean come on - You go and meet the 'blue people' for the apparently 'first time' yet you can be a blue person who apparently has never looked in a mirror!), Peter Dinklage's character is not engaging at all, and I'm still miffed that in order to play the raids you need to coordinate with friends only - who are free to play all at the same time - always in the same group - and who are past the level requirement to play it. Bah...
Broken Games: Publishers and developers have at least during this Holiday season have pushed out a number of games that are 'broken' in many ways and not ready to be actually played. I had numerous issues with connecting in Destiny the first month, ACU has had it's fair share of bugs, The Master Chief Collection slowly fixes itself (though for me the campaign works), Driveclub was an utter mess, The Crew likewise seems to be a wreck in many ways... I'm at once disheartened to see games released in such ways compared to games of the past, but then I'm still hopeful that at least we play during a time that developers are able to 'fix' games... Ugh... hopefully in the next few years publishers will be more willing to delay a game until its ready. The Witcher 3, Evolve, and Batman Arkham Knight seem to be taking that route...
Gaming Community: As a pastor who plays games and loves technology I constantly have to defend why I play games. This year made that incredibly more difficult than in years past. The vitriol and hatred that is spewed upon games, developers, and gaming personalities is terrible. Ugh... this was a year that many were waiting for who 'hate' on video games so they could 'prove' how terrible games/gamers are. Hopefully, hopefully - we all as a community can learn from the actions our community takes. Lifting up the positive, not letting those with vitriol and hate have a large audience to speak to, and calling out and pointing out injustice and hurt when we come across it as we game online, talk about games, and interact with our fellow gamers...
So - that's my list... what's y'all's