Your next smartphone? (If your current WP did not satisfy)

Good way. It's calling out to me.
Sent from my ginormous Lumia 1520 via the Tapatalk app
Currently rocking a 1520 and iPhone 4S but my next phone will be an iPhone 6. I love the camera on my 1520 but Touch ID and certain apps (investment, credit card and shopping) aren't available on Windows Phone.
Either one of the new asus android phones shown at CES or maybe the new 6 inch zte phablet that cricket will be selling. There are some fantastic android devices at the $200 or less price point. Great time to be a consumer.
I intend to move up to the Lumia 1330 when its released, from my current Lumia 1320. I've just got used to the 6" screen so I'm apprehensive about the speculated 5.7" on the 1330.

I moved up from a Lumia 820 to the Lumia 625 to the current Lumia 1320. So going down in screen real estate with the 1330 after climbing up to the 1320's widescreen, cinematic beauty!
Next smartphone will be in the 7xx line. I've learnt that the 7xx line always gives great value (710/720/73x), so I'll go for them next time.
I'm on a 630, probably gonna move to a 1330 if the product is good and when its price gonna drop (maybe 6-8 months after it comes out)
Currently on iPhone 6+ for my main device, use 635 as my secondary. Will drop iPhone for whatever the best Windows phone is come July. Right now I would probably end up with an HTC One M8 WP, but we'll see what's available in a few months.

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