Your next smartphone? (If your current WP did not satisfy)

mine will be Sony Xperia - seems to be a perfect phone in terms of hardware features, but it runs android- might be a good or bad thing but i prefer windows phone os, if only sony makes a wp version of it.
See the interesting thing is I might get a s6 hopefully Samsung will port a w10 version so I don't have to switch to android (the thought of that makes me cringe). But I just love that design and it does come preloaded with Microsoft apps out of the gate. I don't know though it makes me sad that I'm even thinking of switching.
Currently on a Lumia 620. Next might be an Android, coz Microsoft doesn't have a good midrange phone, and they support other platforms better. Plus, the app gap is killing me now. Leaving WP feels bad, but seeing MS do nothing about it makes it worse.
The Passport amuses me.

So, 2 months after that comment I went ahead and got a Passport. I had been on the fence because it simply didn't feel right. That was due to the anti-theft leash they put on in the stores because I handled one in the wild and it felt much better. It's not so tall that it can't be handled with just one hand. I use my 1520 one-handed but this is much easier. The keyboard is excellent and I love the pseudo-touchpad capabilities. Without getting into a full review I can say the photo quality is impressive but the camera is slllllloooooooowwww. If anybody complains about the Lumias pre-Denim, they ain't seen nuttin' yet. I'm keeping my Slime 1520 because I can't wait for W10 but this bad boy is my driver for the foreseeable future.
Probably a Passport if I was forced to get something outside of a WP. My next phone if I had to get one now (or soon) would probably be the 640 XL.
After about 2 years with my Lumia 920, I think my next phone would be an Android, either Xperia Z4 or LG G4...I love Windows alone, but the apps...I can't find all my apps that I bank doesn't have an network provider offers freebies but only on app store and play store....majority of the local apps could not be found in windows store....i will always love windows and windows phone....i will always be a fan...
After about 2 years with my Lumia 920, I think my next phone would be an Android, either Xperia Z4 or LG G4...I love Windows alone, but the apps...I can't find all my apps that I bank doesn't have an network provider offers freebies but only on app store and play store....majority of the local apps could not be found in windows store....i will always love windows and windows phone....i will always be a fan...

In the same boat... was a 920 user, got 1020, got my dad a 1020, got my wife an 830... Sadly, the app gap is the only thing holding this OS back. There have been admirable changes, but it's not enough. I don't have a banking app, and the official freebie apps from my carrier are iOS / Android only as well. I'll likely be selling my 1020 on kijiji and getting a GS6edge when it drops in price around fall. Sad to leave, as I was on Android for all my previous smartphones (Nexus One and Galaxy Nexus) and I far prefer the Windows experience, but developers don't take MS seriously so the app problem will likely never be fixed :\
I'm going to decide after windows 10 is finished. Right now though android lollipop is looking pretty good so my next might be the S6 Edge. Current is the 930
In the same boat... was a 920 user, got 1020, got my dad a 1020, got my wife an 830... Sadly, the app gap is the only thing holding this OS back. There have been admirable changes, but it's not enough. I don't have a banking app, and the official freebie apps from my carrier are iOS / Android only as well. I'll likely be selling my 1020 on kijiji and getting a GS6edge when it drops in price around fall. Sad to leave, as I was on Android for all my previous smartphones (Nexus One and Galaxy Nexus) and I far prefer the Windows experience, but developers don't take MS seriously so the app problem will likely never be fixed :\
I can feel's so sad to that we have Windows 10, I'm loving it more....I really hope devs would make some love with Windows and build all the apps they have on app store/play store to Windows store....

Btw, I keep on requesting my local bank to make a Windows app for phones and they keep telling me that it'll come in a few was last year and still today no app from sad....
Currently : Lumia 1020 running denim and 630 running windows 10 TP

Fed up with Resuming/Loading... Screen problems on 1020 and black screen problem on 630 ( Win10 )

Looking forward to iPhone 6 as local seller have decent EMI and exchange offers .
Well, I finally did it... Sold my 1020 on Kijiji, and that's paying for the S6 I just reserved for April 10th. In the interim using my 930 until the S6 arrives. Sucks to leave WP 8.1, but gotta go where the apps are. Who knows, if W10 is a success, I could be back next year :)
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Wife and I left WP in November. She got the S5 and I got the G3. We both really miss the Lumia cameras (L1020/1520). Her S5 is sitting in the drawer now, because she really wanted another 1020. So I got her a used one. Our most used app is the camera app. So for us camera matters more than say a BofA app. My next upgrade will definitely be another Lumia phone as long as its a flagship.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Got my s6 Edge coming tomorrow :) Goodbye Windows Phone, i gave you a chance (Had the 920 Since Release) but you havent released a genuine flagship and i've had enough of waiting.

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