Your Top 5 Battery Users For the Week?


Active member
Nov 16, 2012
Which apps are the top 5 battery users on your W10M device? I'm curious to see what other people are experiencing. This is of course heavily determined by personal usage. But it's interesting none the less.

To figure this out, simply go to settings -> system -> battery -> Battery usage by app -> Time: 1 Week -> Showing: Apps with usage

This is my list:

1.) Readit (16%)
2.) Microsoft Messaging (14%)
3.) Start (11%)
4.) Client for YouTube (9%)
5.) Microsoft Band ( 7%)
Monument Browser (29%)
Microsoft Edge (14%)
Start (13%)
Instagram (10%)
mTalk (9%)

Sounds about right for my usage.

Sent from mTalk
I just returned to official release 14393.693 last evening and put my sim and sd cars in this morning....

1) Cortana 33%
2) Groove 31%
3) Start 7%
4) Podcasts 7%
5) Microsoft Messaging 4%

This is a 950XL, it should calm down in a couple days....
Mine are:
1. mTalk 18%
2. Edge 15%
3. Live tile clock 11%
4. Mail 10%
5. Cortana 9%

Sent from my Alcatel Idol 4S
Here is mine
1. WhatsApp 25%
2. QuizUp 18%
3. Edge 15%
4. mTalk 9%
5. Fantasia Painter 7%

.... !!!

Sent from Idol 4s
Hmmmm. Mine are as follows:

1) Start. 28%

2) Whatsapp. 23%

3) Microsoft Photo 6%

4) Windows Defender 5%

5) Mail and calendar 4%

I've noticed that so far I'm the only one with Start using more than a quarter of my battery use. Can anyone please explain a way to decrease this to a more acceptable level?

Lumia 830 WM 10
I've noticed that so far I'm the only one with Start using more than a quarter of my battery use. Can anyone please explain a way to decrease this to a more acceptable level?

Don't pointlessly stay on your start screen without doing anything.

Here are mine btw:

1) Messenger - 25%

2) Facebook - 14%

3) Start - 12%

4) Microsoft Edge - 8%

5) Photos - 5%

Sent from mTalk
Hmmmm. Mine are as follows:

1) Start. 28%

2) Whatsapp. 23%

3) Microsoft Photo 6%

4) Windows Defender 5%

5) Mail and calendar 4%

I've noticed that so far I'm the only one with Start using more than a quarter of my battery use. Can anyone please explain a way to decrease this to a more acceptable level?

Lumia 830 WM 10
I thought the more pinned tiles u have the more usage the start screen has. Try removing done Ig the live tiles

Sent from Idol 4s

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