Windows mobile has let me down


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May 16, 2015
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Ok, so ive been a windows mobile user for a long time and the whole eco-system is very good.
Ive owned over 5 different windows phones and the latest being my microsoft 950 from At&t and for the most part iv been happy with them. I have a surface pro 2 tablet, desktop, and laptop all running Win 10.
Windows 10 was supposed to be what Id been looking for for a long time, a phone OS that i can brag about and try to steer more users to it like i have for at least 5 or 6 other people I work with.
I have had only minimal use with android phones in the past fews years and I was not impressed enough to give up my Lumia's. Now just recently I have had to switch to an Iphone 6 because of work and let me tell you, with the exception of the camera on my 950,(All the lumia cameras on the phones ive had are the best out there) I cant believe that Windows mobile is so disappointing.
My company gave me a refurb iphone and its still faster to do the same few apps that are on my lumia 950 its only 2 months old.
Now Im feeling like what the hell was doing wasting time, money, and energy with windows. All the insider builds, all the countless threads ive had to read through after an update and something doesnt work, all the apps that I didnt even know where out there. ( My little bank in st Louis has an app for IOS)
I thought, until now that I had just bought THE BEST PHONE with the 950 but i think i was wrong. not to mention, the latest build and outlook wont open. I bought this phone outright. I paid Way too much for this.
Ill be carrying two phones now. 1 for the camera and 1 for everything else.

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