What do you think about the CShell?


New member
Feb 13, 2016
Well CShell is just leaked as a build and it looks pretty stable. How will this take Windows Mobile to the next level?:grin:
It won't, unless you own an HP x3 or the Alcatel Idol; one is an enterprise only device, the other barely sold any units, so most people don't own one.

It's suspected that devices with the SD820 chip will be the baseline for Cshell.
I like to see advancement too. It gives me more Hope that I will be able to upgrade my 950 to some Windows Phone in 2018. Now Pray that UWP brings in the apps.
It's cool but I see no improvements to what W10M actually needs improving except for Continuum. Continuum looks great but they already let DeX beat them to windowing apps.
It won't, unless you own an HP x3 or the Alcatel Idol; one is an enterprise only device, the other barely sold any units, so most people don't own one.

It's suspected that devices with the SD820 chip will be the baseline for Cshell.

What? Why a snapdragon 820? CShell from what I've seen is just a refinement of the existing UI to bring it more in line with the desktop. Surely an action center and some context menu's wouldn't need that much horsepower.
I like to see advancement too. It gives me more Hope that I will be able to upgrade my 950 to some Windows Phone in 2018. Now Pray that UWP brings in the apps.

Yeah, that would be great. But I guess they wont spend money and resources on doing that...

I doubt it will do much. Honestly I find the MS Apps have a more fluid experience on my shiny new Iphone than on either my 950xl or X3. (Though I like Outlook on W10M better than on Iphone.)

I don't know the details yet, but my guess is that devs will need to build to a CShell spec and have compile scripts focused on CShell also. That will probably be as popular as WUP apps are today.
My big question is why they didn't just do this from the get-go. If you're going to have one OS running on an array of form factors shouldn't the UI scale accordingly? I mean, duh.
I think it'll really shine with MSFTs secret new hardware.

But for us existing folk, if it can be made to run smoothly, it'll be a nice feature update to continuum. Not something I really need though.

Large tiles however would be nice. And I don't see that using any horsepower or creating lag.
What gets me excited about CShell is not what it is but what it means.
I feel that we're almost near the final goal for windows.

We now have windows 10 running on xbox, PCs, and soon I hope windows mobile devices with windows 10 on ARM. (A full windows 10 experience on ARM no different than when you use a traditional laptop or desktop with x86 emulation.)

The convergence code for both mobile and PCs is done with Onecore and true UWP apps that you make once and can deploy everywhere.

The only thing left is to converge the shell since we have different ones for each category. A composable shell that adapts to whichever device you use, may it be a phone, a laptop, a mixed reality headset or an AR headset ; or to adapt accordingly when you change from one mode to mode to another on the SAME device like when you use continuum.

I'm ready for my surface phone. I can't wait.
I don't get what is the point of the UWP system if they intended to make Windows trully universal on all devices. This should have happened from the beginning.

Also, I will be sad to see Microsoft once again failing to upgrade the current 13 supported devices to their new OS ad asking us once again for our money when they clearly failed to deliver what promised with W10M.

On the contrary, what they are building is trully awesome, new WP will have an installed user base of 500m PC users and that is game changing. If MS handles it properly they may catch up with others. There are still many questions those, many PC apps (including the Facebook app for example) are horrible to use on a mobile screen. But I can't imagine how awesome will be for Xbox being able to play any UWP store game, and with keyboard and mouse support, well, end of story! Trully awesome.
I If MS handles it properly...
Well, I think you just nailed the issue. Never had a corporation snatched defeat from the jaws of victory as many times as Microsoft. Don't worry, inept marketing, incomprehensible branding, missing features/apps, unreliability or carriers meddling in software updates will doom the whole thing before it ever gets off the ground. :-(
I don't get what is the point of the UWP system if they intended to make Windows trully universal on all devices. This should have happened from the beginning.

Also, I will be sad to see Microsoft once again failing to upgrade the current 13 supported devices to their new OS ad asking us once again for our money when they clearly failed to deliver what promised with W10M.

On the contrary, what they are building is trully awesome, new WP will have an installed user base of 500m PC users and that is game changing. If MS handles it properly they may catch up with others. There are still many questions those, many PC apps (including the Facebook app for example) are horrible to use on a mobile screen. But I can't imagine how awesome will be for Xbox being able to play any UWP store game, and with keyboard and mouse support, well, end of story! Trully awesome.

UWP apps a) scale b) run sandboxed c) auto-update d) run on any architecture c) is secure.

Win32 is outdated. UWP is the universal app system.
What? Why a snapdragon 820? CShell from what I've seen is just a refinement of the existing UI to bring it more in line with the desktop. Surely an action center and some context menu's wouldn't need that much horsepower.

Right, but a new share button and Edge eBook reading functionality doesn't need much horsepower either but that didn't stop MS from cutting off older phones.

Will phones like lumia 550 or 640 get this update ?

Well, it has to probably exist beyond the "proof-of-concept/testing" stage before we even begin to have that conversation.

If I had to wager though, no, I think those phones have maybe another big-name-tiny-update in store but not much else. But that's just my personal speculation.
I hope my 950 XL gets it if nothing else just because I'm not in a position to buy a new phone right now and I'd be devastated if I was missing out on something so big.

Because, yes, this is pretty huge. Before now, Windows 10 Mobile was "technically" Windows 10 but it didn't feel like it apart from the Universal Apps and the similar UI. CShell actually brings the "one Windows" into reality for the first time. As much as Microsoft disses us mobile users, they have to know that their "universal platform" vision doesn't work without a mobile arm. This not only makes it viable but extremely powerful if implemented properly. The combination of CShell, Windows on ARM and the many improvements Microsoft is making under the hood to improve and optimize Windows 10 makes the future of Windows 10 Mobile pretty grim but the future of Windows 10 ON mobile glorious indeed. I just don't want to be left behind because I can't afford a new phone right now.

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