Miss W10M so much :(


Active member
Oct 8, 2013
So nearly 3 months into using an Android phone. It's a OnePlus5T. Great phone. Ok'ish operating system.

Just pulled my Lumia 950 out of the cupboard and fired it up for old times sake.

I really miss that OS. How it synced so perfectly with outlook, contacts, calendar, Cortana, office. Between my Surface devices and lumia phone eveything just worked seamlessely. It was a perfect harmony.

I should stop taking it out and switching it on. I should just send it off to be recycled. It makes me too sad when I power it up :(
So nearly 3 months into using an Android phone. It's a OnePlus5T. Great phone. Ok'ish operating system.

Just pulled my Lumia 950 out of the cupboard and fired it up for old times sake.

I really miss that OS. How it synced so perfectly with outlook, contacts, calendar, Cortana, office. Between my Surface devices and lumia phone eveything just worked seamlessely. It was a perfect harmony.

I should stop taking it out and switching it on. I should just send it off to be recycled. It makes me too sad when I power it up :(

You could always find a way to keep using it... I still use my 650 for work and as a reason [excuse] to use W10M. You could use it as a USB, a camera, photo frame, etc...

No need to say goodbye if you don't want to.
I'll buy an Android device once in a while to try out knowing I'll be using my 950 xl or another Windows 10 mobile device days later. I'm not ready to move off of Windows 10 mobile. And you're right... everything just works and syncs, is well laid out, organized, well supported and secure. But that's how Microsoft users know Windows mobile best. 😄 Others see it as just a barren desert (app-less) and dead...
My Lumia 950 is heading for recycling in a couple of weeks ( my Lumia 930 has already been recycled ) once Samsung Galaxy S8 prices drop. In a choice between IOS & Android, Google wins.
Same here, and I only used it as a daily driver for 8 months. I can't complain though, my V20 is worlds better than the Samsung garbage (S3, S4, Note4) I used for years prior to briefly jumping ship to W10M.
I bought a Pixel 2 XL at the beginning of February. Great phone, battery life pretty good. But a couple of days ago I took out my 950XL and popped the sim back in it "just to update the apps and OS". I'm still using it and the Pixel is in the drawer. Something about the 950XL (especially with the 9300mah Mugen Power battery) just feels right. Love Cortana, Outlook on W10M, the OS itself, the camera. I tried to Microsoft-ify my Pixel, but it just doesn't work for me. Microsoft Launcher doesn't work well, Cortana doesn't work as well. I tried Launcher 10 for the "live tile" look but it's just not the same.
Yeah, miss my 950xl too as a daily driver. Pulled it out again the other day to use it. I will say as time goes by, the time I spend using it grows less and less. The UI is by far the best, but (dramatic music) the APPS!! Lol
I just started with windows 10 mobile. Alcatel idol 4s. Love it. Has every app I need. I will be using it for at least next six months, maybe longer.
Perhaps it's not exactly the same thing as you guys are experiencing on Android phones, but I recently got fed up with crappy battery life on my 950 and switched back to my 640 XL. Battery life on this thing is amazing and after a few hard resets and registry edits things work just like they used to on the 950. Only thing I miss is bigger internal storage (I only have about 7 GB out of 8 GB to use on the 640 XL and I have problems every now and then since the apps that are developed by FB are superior in stability when they're installed on internal storage, however, they're still huge compared to other apps).
Why would you send a perfectly good phone for recycling instead of selling it?

Would anyone buy a Windows Phone?

I don't ask that in a condescending way, it's a legitimate question. As much as I love the OS, the app gap only continues to widen and that old snapdragon processor feels pretty slow when compared to even mid range phones in 2018. I haven't even looked into selling it because I just can't imagine someone buying a lumia.

Of course, I could be completely wrong and there are millions of die-hard fans who'd bite my hand for the device :)
Far easier & less hassle overall to just send the phone of for recycling, you can still get decent £ if you shop around.
Would anyone buy a Windows Phone?

I don't ask that in a condescending way, it's a legitimate question. As much as I love the OS, the app gap only continues to widen and that old snapdragon processor feels pretty slow when compared to even mid range phones in 2018. I haven't even looked into selling it because I just can't imagine someone buying a lumia.

Of course, I could be completely wrong and there are millions of die-hard fans who'd bite my hand for the device :)

Many are willing to by the 950 / 950 XL devices. Not much on the others I think. I see those sold all the time from third party sites and sellers.
Good reason too. The hardware in the 950 and 950 XL is the latest on any lumia despite being the last iterations. They come with W10M installed and the OS is updated every month with security/bug fixes. Despite certain apps that are lacking for certain folks, I do not see why anyone would not want to try or buy one as a replacement especially if they are around 250 or less. You get an excellent camera, screen, and OS support into probably 2019...The only draw back is the hardware is a bit outdated, but for Windows 10 Mobile the 950s utilize the OS really well and show little lag in my opinion. In Interop Tools you can make app and screen transitions faster by adjusting the flyout and hover durations. However like you said they are quite outdated and the other platforms with the latest and greatest SoC will be much quicker. But for the SD 810 and 808 to run as they do on Windows 10 Mobile which is pretty quick I would say you should compare them to another device of that caliber to draw a complete conclusion. To me the Nexus 6Ps and G4s of that time are comparable with the same basic hardware. We could try to draw a contrast with the iPhone 6 S series too I suppose.
Well, just today I crossed the rubicon and made the decision to leave Windows Phone and I started looking at Android phones. Then I read this topic. I’ve been on Windows phones forever; I’ve never had anything but a Windows phone. But a couple of things with my new 950 (which replaced my original 950) have prompted me to try something else, a combo of not being able to use Waze on my new 950, and that the 950 takes crappy indoor concert photos, while my friends get great shots. Sort of decided on the LG V30. I’ll see if I can stay with it.
Well, just today I crossed the rubicon and made the decision to leave Windows Phone and I started looking at Android phones. Then I read this topic. I’ve been on Windows phones forever; I’ve never had anything but a Windows phone. But a couple of things with my new 950 (which replaced my original 950) have prompted me to try something else, a combo of not being able to use Waze on my new 950, and that the 950 takes crappy indoor concert photos, while my friends get great shots. Sort of decided on the LG V30. I’ll see if I can stay with it.

As much as we love the platform, Microsoft aren't giving us any options other than to leave. The OS is dead. The few developers that supported W10M are leaving and even UWP apps won't continue to work forever. I think MS are trying to completely kill the platform before Andromeda lands.

Sad stuff :( it really was the best OS. Such a pity devs didn't see the potential.

Android is ok. It gets the job done. But it doesn't feel as intuitive and certainly feels a lot less secure
I also switched from a 950XL to a Note 8. I debate switching the SIM back daily. I just really like the Windows OS so much better.
My husband and I both have had Windows phones forever! He switched to Android first, then dragged me kicking, screaming and crying to the phone store to pick an Android phone for me. I got the Samsung Galaxy S8. Its a good phone. I do like it....now. I do however miss Windows Phone fluidity. I miss the live tiles and Cortana. I miss the live photo gallery that would rotate my favorite photos. It was elegant and not dumbed down. If it were resurrected I would switch back in a heart beat.

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