Windows Central Contest Rules

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James Falconer

New member
Nov 1, 2012
These are the basic guidelines for entering a contest in the Windows Central Blogs and Forums. They are subject to change, and more specific instructions may be listed in the individual contest threads. So be sure to READ THE CONTEST POST!

  1. Contests are open to registered users of Windows Central, provided they are not contractors (aka writers), forum moderators, advisors, admins, direct employees of Mobile Nations - or anyone else who might otherwise have a leg up on the other registered users.
  2. Contests end when we say they end!
  3. We won't keep you from entering more than once. But if you're an obvious spammer, we'll know it, and you won't win at random.
  4. Winners may be chosen at random, or per specific instructions. In other words, READ THE CONTEST POST.
  5. Winners will be notified by e-mail.
  6. It can take a week sometimes to be notified due to various circumstances, so be patient.
  7. If we are mailing/shipping you a prize, and you are international, we are not responsible for customs/duties. We mark prizes as a gift so usually you won't need to worry about it, but you never know.
  8. We are not responsible for taxes on prizes.

These rules may be amended at any time, for any reason.

Good luck!
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