windows 7 ? or shall i wait for windows 8 ! ?


New member
Jul 14, 2012

i went to the store today and saw a few phones "even androids :P"
though i was going to get one of them but i took my time out and thought about getting a windows phone :D
"samsung omnia W"

Well before i get this i just have a few questions
if i get this phone which is 7.5 will i get a update to 8.0 ?
example like android phones with 2.3 are upgrading to 4.0 and which are making them much better
i can only get a phone once for a long time so i need a good one

No thank you i do not want nokia lumia or something i dont prefer nokia any more after two of my nokia phones just went off and getting
no proper service from them :(

well Samsung omnia w is fast has a front cam for skype/video call

so well yeh main question is the phone gonna get a upgrade ?

thank you. :D:confused:
No phones that run Windows Phone 7 or 7.5 will be able to run Windows Phone 8. You will need to wait for the new hardware to do that.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
Yeah you should probably wait for WP8. But what Android phones are being upgraded from 2.3 to 4.0. More than one?

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express Pro

i must say this form is real good and + good people
thanks for getting back :D !

but well if anyone would know when windows 8 phones will be out ?
cause i am phoneless right now :P

and how much will they cost ? say 260-300 dollars ?

thank you !

i must say this form is real good and + good people
thanks for getting back :D !

but well if anyone would know when windows 8 phones will be out ?
cause i am phoneless right now :P

and how much will they cost ? say 260-300 dollars ?

thank you !

No one knows an exact release date yet, nor does anyone know the cost.

What country are you from?

i must say this form is real good and + good people
thanks for getting back :D !

but well if anyone would know when windows 8 phones will be out ?
cause i am phoneless right now :P

and how much will they cost ? say 260-300 dollars ?

thank you !

No one knows for certain until an announcement is made, but most believe Windows Phone 8 will be out before the end of this year, maybe as early as fall and we could see new phones before Christmas time (maybe)

No way to know what a phone will cost you, I don't know where you are, what plans you are looking at etc. I think it's safe to assume they will cost what any other phone of the same quality does. Look at whatever an iPhone 4S or Galaxy SIII costs by you now, the highest quality Windows Phones will be no more expensive than that. The middle range Windows Phones will cost what an iPhone 4 or 3GS or mid-range Android does by you.

There may be some incentives and deals to help sell Windows Phones at first though. I would expect there to be actually. I don't think any carrier here will ask $300 (at least not at first) for a Windows Phone WITH a 2 year contract for example, the way they have the nerve to with the top Android models.

If I were you, I would buy a used or inexpensive phone now and wait for Windows Phone 8 to be released. There is no way to upgrade any of the current phones to WP8, so there is no sense in spending a lot on one now.
Hello again :D

im From india !

well im looking at a fast phone with a front cam "video calling"/skype" and it should have a 3.7 inch screen or + and well it should run well my last phone nokia c7 did not :(

but is it so that windows 8 wont have much new features? in its os ? or will there be many changes

cause if there aren't gonna be many changes il go for SAMSUNG OMNIA W !

its like i can buy a phone only once for a few years so i just need to have something that will run till then :)

Hello again :D

im From india !

well im looking at a fast phone with a front cam "video calling"/skype" and it should have a 3.7 inch screen or + and well it should run well my last phone nokia c7 did not :(

but is it so that windows 8 wont have much new features? in its os ? or will there be many changes

cause if there aren't gonna be many changes il go for SAMSUNG OMNIA W !

its like i can buy a phone only once for a few years so i just need to have something that will run till then :)


I suggest you wait a bit for windows phone 8.
I take it you didn't like your symbian? Well if you want all the features of your c7, you may want to wait.

WP7 is lacking a bit in features compared to Symbian Belle
Hello again :D

im From india !

well im looking at a fast phone with a front cam "video calling"/skype" and it should have a 3.7 inch screen or + and well it should run well my last phone nokia c7 did not :(

but is it so that windows 8 wont have much new features? in its os ? or will there be many changes

cause if there aren't gonna be many changes il go for SAMSUNG OMNIA W !

its like i can buy a phone only once for a few years so i just need to have something that will run till then :)


Microsoft has hinted that Windows Phone 8 is going to be a total rewrite of the OS in C++, if I remember correctly.

This means that the OS will not be totally upgradable from 7 or 7.5 to 8. OS 7.5 is supposed to get some minor upgrades taking it to version 7.8 around the same time the Windows Phone 8 devices are released. These upgrades are to be the home screen and some other items not mentioned yet in full.

The assumption is that the WP8 devices will possibly be dual core (Microsoft still seems to want a single core CPU) with larger screens to compete with Android and iOS devices on the media front, as well as better cameras and various other options. The speculation of the dual core is for 720p/1080p high definition video recording.

The WP8 devices are speculated for an October/November release right now, as Windows 8 was announced to be released in October this year, and Microsoft wants all of their devices on the market for the full integrated experience (Phone, Computer, TV and Xbox).

My recommendation, like some others have said is to wait, as anything you buy right now will not be upgradable to WP8 without some hacking of the device.

I am sure there are some Omnia W's for sale on eBay, or your online retailer/auction house of choice that are close to new if you are looking for a right now Windows Phone experience.

If you decide to go Android, I have to say they have quite a lot of good phones, too. They can be an issue as well when picking phones, as they are bringing out new devices all of the time. I have a few Android phones myself, like the Samsung Galaxy Note, Samsung Galaxy SII and the Samsung Galaxy SIII. They are all quite capable. The Galaxy SII and the Galaxy Note just recently received their updates to Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.4 and they seem to run a lot better/smoother, but still very similar to iOS in their style of OS. The Galaxy SIII comes with ICS and is their newest flagship phone.

I tend to lean toward Samsung devices. My primary phone right now is the Samsung Focus S and my secondary is the Galaxy SIII.
im probably too late, but my guess is oct for wp8 hardware to pop up and should have something costing near what the 710 is right now (which completely dominates the competition in terms of usability in that price range)

now if you are really in need of a new phone (eg, u have a broken phone right now) i would see if a friend has an old feature phone and just wait out the three month

i mean wp8 according to ms will not be getting an over haul for at least another 10 years so there is less chance of what is happening now from happening again, the other thing is they promised 18 month support "minimum" to all new hardware coming out

im pretty sure u can get some phones for less than 50 bucks to carry u until wp8 comes out
I am on the same boat, friend wanted to upgrade her aging phone and ask for my advice.

On one hand I love my L900, on the other hand Nexus w/ 4.1 is selling for $350.

To be fair to her I told her either a slightly used L900 for $300ish with a EOL OS or a Nexus w/ the lastest OS and let her choose herself.
WP8 devices will probably be launched at the same time with Win8, since they already announced the upgrade won't be coming to existing devices, they don't want to wait too long with WP8 devices.

The difference in features and performance is very big, I think WP7.5 is already better than Android and ios, it's missing some key features but the overall performance and usability is superior and makes up for it. WP8 is a different story, it's far more advanced than anything out there. the language support, the voip integration and many other features are definitely worth waiting for

btw, only very new Android devices got the 2.3->4.0 upgrade, there's a reason 4.0 has <10% market share amongst Android devices. and a new iphone will probably be released around the same time WP8 devices are released. Everything is times for the holiday season in US/Europe, so summer is not a good time to buy a new phone

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